3.10. T/n's Perspective: Wednesday After School Hours With My Friend (I) (♫)

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[June 27, 2129]
[4:00 PM, Wednesday After Time]
[The Same Time...]

T/n just got out the school building.
She now was waiting for Amiguchi by the front gates.

Amiguchi:  "I'm sorry, you waited?"

T/n:  "No, I just came here not even two minutes ago."

Amiguchi:  "Then let's head on our way." He smiles.

Seconds pass and they are now on his motorcycle, making their way to wherever Amiguchi wants to take them.
The breeze felt nice.
She's never rode a motorcycle, let alone rode with someone who had experience with one.
It was nice.

T/n:  "Achoo...!"

Amiguchi:  "You okay! Do you have a cold!"

T/n:  "Nope, I'm fine!"

The strong wind wings past them.
Her uncovered hair that's free from the safety helmet was blowing gracefully in the wind behind her.
What was this feeling T/n felt just now?

Perhaps maybe too familiar.
Deja vu?

T/n:  "I just had a feeling that someone was talking about me..."
T/n:  "Oh well, not like it bother me one bit."

Amiguchi:  "We're almost there!"

Amiguchi stops his vehicle.
There, T/n could see the apartment complex that seemed a bit too expensive for some people.

It was the home to not only the most popular boy, but through his whole life, he also has been living in a rich family platform.

T/n:  "Apartment?"

Amiguchi:  "Technically my apartment.

T/n:  "So? What are we doing?"

Amiguchi:  "I was thinking..."

T/n:  "?"

Amiguchi:  "Do you play games?"

T/n:  "I do, along with my sister when we have free time."

Amiguchi:  "Then try playing this one."

T/n:  "What is it?"

Amiguchi:  "Have you tried "Kaiju Deimos RPG?"

T/n:  "Yes! That's actually my favorite game."

Amiguchi:  "Really?! What level are you?"

T/n:  "Well, my sister and I always take turns each level, but I'm working on level 207 when I go home."

Amiguchi:  "You're WAY more further than me!"

T/n:  "What level are you?"

Amiguchi:  "Level 102."

T/n:  "That's not that bad."

Amiguchi:  "Yes it is, I'm actually stuck on that level."

T/n:  "For how long?"

Amiguchi:  "For a while now, at least almost a week."
Amiguchi:  "Shiba and Juro tried, but it was futile."
Amiguchi:  "We all were stuck on it for hours on hours, for days on day, for weeks on weeks now."

T/n:  "Let me help you, then. I was the one who cleared level 102 back at home."

Amiguchi:  "Really?!"
He happily comes forward.
He firmly but softly held T/n's shoulders in relief.

Amiguchi:  "Oh my god, you're a life-saver."

T/n:  "It's no exaggeration, but if you want to define it as that, then I don't mind."

Amiguchi:  "You're not the type to take in a compliment, are you?"

T/n's cheeks turn cherry red, turns her head to his comment that she never thought of rebutting back.
Normally she would.
But this time, she was acting more different than usual.

Even she doesn't know why.
She doesn't like taking in compliments, but when Amiguchi gave her one just now...
Somehow, she didn't feel as tacky about it.

T/n:  "W-well... I've never had this much attention before..."

Amiguchi:  "There's more to where it comes from, T/n~"

T/n:  "Q-quit teasing me..."

He winks and smirks at her.
Amiguchi:  "Sorry, sorry~ Come on, let's play together."

T/n nods, following him right behind him.
The two walk side by side comfortably.
The two proceeded inside the apartment complex, up the elevator, and eventually made their way to his apartment.

What will be in store for T/n and Amiguchi in this journey?

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