6.1. T/n's Perspective: To Amiguchi's Apartment

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[June 30, 2129]
[9:30 AM, Saturday Morning]

It was now 9:30 AM on Saturday.
Amiguchi picked T/n up by motorcycle and safely retuned to his complex to watch some movies Natsuno recommended to him.
As he was doing that, T/n brought a book recommended by Natsuno for her to read.
They were both in his room doing separate things, yet they sit side by side on his bed.

Amiguchi: "So those things are the Tri-pods Natsuno was talking about."
Amiguchi:  "They are sure very tall and scary..."

T/n glanced away from her book to look at the Tri-pod in the movie.

T/n: "Oh wow, they're as tall, possibly more than a skyscraper."

Amiguchi: "Imagine if they were in our world today."

T/n: "I think we're dead by the time they even put one step into this city."
T/n: "Their devastating laser attacks literally decimated that entire city in the movie as we speak."
T/n: "You think we got counters for those death machines?"

Amiguchi chuckles.
Amiguchi; "Yeah, definitely not..."
Amiguchi: "There would be no counters for us if we were to go at war against those things."

T/n: "Now, if they were within our usage, now that changes things."

Amiguchi: "Who would want to ride in something like that?"

T/n: "I would."

Amiguchi: "You have strange taste."

T/n: "No, I don't."
T/n: "If I said I want to live in there, now that's weird."

Amiguchi: "Who would want to live in there?"

T/n: "A Tri-pod addictive, that's for sure."

Amiguchi; "A Tri-pod addictive..."
He silently snorts at the idea.

T/n: "But I want to ride in it to see a couple of cities from up high."
T/n: "I love seeing various city grounds from a high level."

Amiguchi: "My complex is high enough for you to see everything in sight."
Amiguchi:  "Take a look."

T/n walks up to his large window with his blinds wide open, and looks out.
She could see the high towers, low buildings, matching building levels as his apartment complex, and the bright sun shining down his complex.
It was a beautiful capturing moment.

T/n: "You're right, even if it's a bright morning, it looks beautiful from up here."

Amiguchi: "After school, the afternoon scenery looks just as beautiful, not only better."
Amiguchi: "Speaking of, are you staying over as well?"

T/n: "Well, today is Saturday."
T/n: "Not like we have school tomorrow."
T/n: "I could stay over Sunday as well, if you want."

Amiguchi: "That's up to you."
Amiguchi: "And also..."
Amiguchi: "This might be embarrassing for me to say..."
Amiguchi: "But I do miss your cooking."

T/n: "Don't worry, I was planning on making food for us today as well."

Amiguchi: "Thank goodness..."

T/n: "Did you really miss my cooking that much, Amiguchi-kun?"

Amiguchi: "A... A little."

T/n: "You're lying, I already know how you truly feel."
T/n: "I want you to tell me straight up the actual truth, Amiguchi-kun." T/n smiles intently, wanting to her the exact truth from him in amusement.

Amiguchi: "U-um... I..."
He stumbles on his words, completely and totally embarrassed.

T/n: "Amiiiguuchiii-kuuun..."

Amiguchi: "I..."
Amiguchi: "..."
Amiguchi: "..."
Amiguchi: "..."
Amiguchi: "I miss it a lot."
Amiguchi: 'Dang it, she's making me all red from the teasing...!'

T/n: "That's my guy."

Amiguchi: "I'm trying my best not depend on buying fast food as much, and your cooking is in par with your moms."
Amiguchi: "Not only that, it's way better than any fast food I buy."
Amiguchi: "..."
Amiguchi: "..."

He could feel himself get redder and redder by the second.
He admits he feels embarrassed just saying these things to a friend.
Isn't this something you would say to your lover?

As his lover?
Not any time soon, he would think.

He admits he has fallen for her, but now is not the time to ask her out.
They just knew each other a couple of days ago.
They're just friends.
Yet, there's this unsettling feeling that it might be something else.
That they might've had a relationship just like the one in their dreams.

And maybe, just maybe, he thinks T/n might feel the same as well.

Amiguchi: "Um..."
Amiguchi:  "Uh..."
Amiguchi: "Do I... need to explain myself any further?"

T/n: "..."
T/n: "Nope~"
T/n: "Actually, I'm more than happy that you're saying what you want to say."
T/n: "I'm making curry today, I hope you look forward to it when I make some for dinner this afternoon."
T/n:  "To make you more happier, how about I leave you some leftovers?"

Amiguchi: "Absolutely."
Amiguchi: "Do we need to go shopping?"

T/n: "Well, before coming here, I already bought what we needed so there's no need to go shopping at all."
T/n: "Before coming into your room, I put everything back in the fridge."

Amiguchi: "Really now?"
Amiguchi: "I didn't even notice..."

T/n: "I did bring a small backpack with me and they fit perfectly with everything else, so yeah..."

Amiguchi:  "Hm."

T/n:  "Now then, are we ready to start our day?"

Amiguchi: "Haha..."
Amiguchi:  "We already did."

T/n: "Ah..."
T/n:  "Yes, we already did."
T/n: "Huhu..."

T/n's giggles along with Amiguchi's chuckles harmonized with one another as the two went back on with their day.
Enjoying each other's company as the two continue to watch the movie from where they left off.

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