5.2. UFOs and Weekend Planning

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While Y/n met up with Juro at his house, T/n already met up with Natsuno next door.
Together, the two groups became a group of four and went on their way to school.
Eventually, the four meets up with Iori, Miwako, and Amiguchi.

The groups were split again, talking about two different subjects.
One group: Amiguchi, T/n, and Natsuno talk about UFOs.
Another group: Juro, Y/n, Iori, and Miwako talk about what they should do during the weekend.

[On T/n's side...]
Amiguchi: "UFO Mysteries?"
T/n: "UFO Mysteries?"
The two say at the same time.

Amiguchi: "Is it a movie series?"

Natsuno: "!"
Natsuno: "You haven't heard of UFO Mysteries?!"

Amiguchi: "Nope."

Natsuno: "Wow, you're missing out on a lot, Amiguchi-kun!"
Natsuno: "It's a special series airing on TV, all about the latest UFO discoveries!"
Natsuno: "I wasn't able to watch last weeks recent ones due to practice, but I do have recordings of other foundings of UFO activity."
Natsuno: "I know! I can lend you some as well as recommend you E.X.T. at the same time!

Amiguchi: "E.X.T.?"

Natsuno: "E.X.T is a movie series that focuses on an alien stranded on Earth."
Natsuno: "It establishes a bond with a young boy in this sci-if movie."
Natsuno: "It's a real 1982 classic."

Amiguchi: "Oh wow, can you lend me some DVD recordings if you have any?"

Natsuno: "Of course you can! I have plenty of them so I can bring them over to you during the weekend!"

Amiguchi: "You also have any recommended books within Sci-Fi?"

Natsuno: "Is someone finding new hobbies?"

Amiguchi: "Perhaps so."

Natsuno: "Well, "The War Of The Worlds" is a classic sci-if novel. It features Martians that look like octopuses. They have three-legged weapons called Tripods and use them to invade the Earth."

T/n: "That sounds very interesting."

Natsuno: "Right, right?"

T/n: "Is it possible to borrow your book if you have one?"
T/n: "Well, if you're giving it to Amiguchi-kun, then I can buy one myself."

Amiguchi: "Or I can give it to you after I done reading it."

Natsuno: "Or I can give the book to you, T/n. He does have his shows and movie to finish first."

Amiguchi: "Right, right."

T/n: "Then it's settled."
T/n: "Ah, mind if I come over and watch some of those recommended movies with you tomorrow, Amiguchi-kun?"

Amiguchi: "No problem at all."
Amiguchi: "I always wanted to hang out with you again."
Amiguchi: "And..."

Amiguchi took the chance to close the distance between them and whisper in her ear while Natsuno looked away...
Amiguchi: "I do miss your cooking."
Amiguchi: "Please cook for me again tomorrow."

He moved back and smiled.
Amiguchi: "Come on, let's walk to class."
Amiguchi: "if we stay here, Natsuno will leave us."

T/n: "Mm."
T/n hums.

T/n: "..."
T/n covers the ear he whispered into as she shivers slightly, replaying the exact events in her head once more.
But it wasn't a bad feeling.
Yet it made her face flush red.

T/n: "Geez..."
T/n: "Doing whatever you want..."
She blushes to the side, shakes off the feeling, and catches up with him so they can walk together to class.

[On Y/n's side...]
Y/n:  "What are you all doing for the weekend?"

Iori:  "I have to visit a family one city away and won't be back until Sunday afternoon."

Miwako:  "I'm also going out with my family all day tomorrow."

Y/n:  "So no girls day out, huh?"

Iori:  "I'm sorry, Y/n-chan."
Miwako:  "I'm very sorry, Y/n-chan..."

Y/n:  "It's okay you two, there's next time."
Y/n:  "What are you doing tomorrow, Juro-san?"

Juro:  "Probably watch some movies."

Y/n:  "What movie are you watching this time, Juro-san?"

Juro:  "The movie you recommended to me, I'm going to finish it at home."

Y/n:  "Then, is it possible if I can come over to watch as well?"

Juro:  "O-of course you can, Grandma also wants to see you as well."

Y/n:  "Grandma Tamao, I wonder how she's doing nowadays?"

Juro:  "She's fine, she wouldn't stop talking about you all day yesterday."

Y/n:  "T-that just means she misses me a lot, right?"

Juro:  "A lot, quote on quote."

Y/n giggles.
Y/n:  "Well, we'll let her know I'm coming tomorrow."

Juro:  "I hope she doesn't scream too much of happiness."

Y/n:  "She probably will, I just hope she doesn't pass out by seeing me."

Juro:  "That's true."

Shiba:  "Hey guys! We have a few minutes until class starts!'

Y/n:  "Oh speaking of you, here's your cookies."

Shiba:  "Oh yay!"
Shiba:  "I'll gladly eat one now!"
Shiba says, immediately opening the bag and taking a munch out of the small cookie.

Shiba:  "W-wow... these are amazing!"
Shiba:  "Thank you, Y/n!"

Y/n:  "You're welcome."

Juro:  "Well, shall we head to class?"

Y/n:  "As we should."

13 SENTINELS: Aegis RIM: ANOTHER STORY - [PART I] (BOOK I)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt