4.8. T/n Murasawa's Dream [2]

12 0 0

[YEAR 3000]
[SECTOR ???]

???:  'Natsuno...'

???:  "Natsuno-chan...!"
???:  "T/n-chan!"

They yelled their names as if they were happy to see each other once more.
Natsuno just came back helping her mother with the other projects up in the space colony.
This plan was crucial, especially when her, her mother, her best friend and a few others were the only humans in humanity left.

They weren't able to see one another due to vigorous work loads.
They did speak on the phone occasionally, but they quickly had to cut off their connection to finish their work.
But this time, they had time.
And they weren't going to waste no time.

(T/n):  "How have you been?"

Natsuno:  "Tired lately, just so much workloads after workloads after workloads..."

(T/n):  "I understand, I was the same way as well. Now we don't have to worry about that now. Luckily we both finished it all very early. Let's spend this time to ourselves, just like how we used to in the past."

Natsuno:  "Of course, I miss being with and also talking to my best friend, I wouldn't miss this for the world."

(T/n):  "Natsuno... I'm grateful to have such a friend like you."

Natsuno:  "I as well."

(T/n):  "Hm. By the way, I heard you have been with 'him' for a good while now."

Natsuno:  "?!"

Now Natsuno was surprised big time.
Her relationship with her boyfriend was always a secret, she told her mother and that's it.
Never once did she ever told (T/n) about it.
And when (T/n) brought it up, did it surprise Natsuno so much she wonders where (T/n) could've got that information.

Natsuno:  "W-w-who did you hear that from...?!"

(T/n):  "Your mother, of course."

Natsuno:  "Mother is going to pay for this..."

(T/n):  "Hey, at least she's actually letting you be with him. I'm also happy you're with 'him' as well. He's a very good guy and I know for sure he's going to take care of you well."

Natsuno:  "S-stop it, (T/n)-chan, it's embarrassing..." She nervously smiles at (T/n).

(T/n):  "It's true, even I wouldn't let any guy who's trustworthy to date you. But who knew someone like you could pick yourself a great man. Especially with the guy I used to work with for 5 months before I moved to work on a new project under Morimura's orders."

Natsuno:  "I-it's not intentional...!"

(T/n):  "But it's not on accident nor on purpose either~"

Natsuno:  "Ugh, not you too teasing me..."

(T/n):  "Of course, you can never escape my wrath of teasing you, my best friend to no end. Of course, with limitations. Some lines can't be crossed."

Natsuno:  "Like now?"

(T/n):  "Nope, never."  (T/n) jokes.

Natsuno:  "I'd knew you'd say that."

(T/n):  "We've known each other for so long, of course you would know, right?"

Natsuno:  "Yeah, yeah that's true."


(T/n):  "Natsuno, if anything happens to me, I know for sure, 'he' will protect you at all cost. We're both in separate groups, we're now too far to protect one another, and there's no way I can reach you unless you sprint to me with all your might."

Natsuno:  "(T-T/n)-chan?"

(T/n):  "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but... I worry for you as much as I worry for my sister. I consider you as my younger sister."

Natsuno:  "I as well, (T/n)-chan. Let's promise one another. If anything happens to us, we'll be there for one another."

(T/n):  "With your sprinting skills, there's no way you can't miss me. Just don't forget about your boyfriend, 'Miura' as well. Just as I'm important, he's more important as well."

Natsuno:  "Yes, (T/n)-chan."

(T/n):  "Hm, wanna get drinks as we talk?"

Natsuno:  "I'm fine with that, after getting drinks, let's go to my room and relax."

(T/n):  "I'm fine with that."

The two walked next to one another.
Before T/n knew it, everything turned blank.


13 SENTINELS: Aegis RIM: ANOTHER STORY - [PART I] (BOOK I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora