Part 2 Chapter 10 : The Accident

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Because hypermatter is very volatile, the container is made very strong and has an independent shield generator, so the container is not destroyed but is carried by the stream to the surface of the even horizon. The high speed of the stream causes a time dilation effect that causes the container to appear as if it has been there for more than 10 years. As a result, the power source of the safety devices, including the generator shield, runs out, causing container failure. The hypermatter spills right above the horizon line. Time runs very slowly on the even horizon of a black hole. The interaction of the hypermatter with matter from the red giant slowly forms giant crystals that have a multidimensional effect similar to the one in the Sagami fault. It takes more than 10 million years for the crystal to form, but that time on the even horizon is the same as a few seconds outside the even horizon. After another 5 million years, the tip of the crystal hits the even horizon and the tremendous compression that occurs activates the crystal and destroys it. The multidimensional waves that occur move above the speed of light and are able to escape from the event horizon, some going deeper into the black hole and moving to the black hole's core. The interaction of multidimensional waves with the black hole core causes the black hole core to resonate in all dimensions, resulting in energy leakage from other dimensions right into the black hole core. This causes the core of the blackhole to disintegrate, and because of that destruction, the density of the blackhole decreases and the gravity generated by the blackhole also decreases, so that the even horizon quickly disappears and the blackhole explodes outwards with tremendous force. The multidimensional waves seemed to hit the mirror caused by the explosion and reversed moving towards the outside of the explosion and amplified the waves traveling outwards. Due to an extraordinary cosmic coincidence, these multidimensional waves travel toward the terminus at superluminal speeds. However, the distance of several light years between the black hole and the terminus causes it to take more than 2 weeks to reach the terminus.

The New Republic Frigate that is outside the black hole has time to escape the black hole explosion.


2 hours after that,

Early morning in Myto's planetary capital.

Trevat is fast asleep and dreams of returning to work at his company on earth. This was the deepest sleep since the Battle of Endor. Trevat planned to take the day off and wake up later, so he didn't use the alarm.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on Trevat's bedroom door. Trevat woke up and opened the door. At the door was secretary Erman. "Governor, there has just been news from Terminus. There was a huge explosion in the black hole near Terminus. The explosion is aimed at the system where Terminus is located, and will reach Terminus within 2 weeks.

"What 2 weeks?" Trevat said. "It doesn't allow the evacuation of Terminus. Immediately hold an emergency meeting with all the leaders of Myto. Leaders who can't come can attend through the Holonet. "




Myto's leader's meeting room, planet Myto.

Meeting participants :

-Governor Trevat

-Admiral Aedat Iskir, Home Fleet commander (Present via holonet)

-Admiral Druna Arkena, commander of the 1st Defense Fleet

-Admiral Noona Arkena, commander of the 2nd Defense Fleet (Present via holonet)

-Admiral Ira Ishil, commander of the 3rd Defense Fleet (Present via holonet)

-Admiral Erna Trena, commander of the 4th Defense Fleet

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