The waitress brings their food and Y/n immediately starts to feed Aeri. "Is he good to you Y/n? Are you happy?" She looks over to Jimin as he chews on a piece of pork. She smiles and nods, wanting to be honest with him. "He is. And I am. He's a good man Jimin. And a great father. He loves Aeri very much." He nods and takes another bite. "And does he love you Y/n?" She side eyes him and gives Aeri another bite of mashed sweet potato's and nods. "Yes, I think he really does. He always makes sure I never feel neglected, no matter how busy he is with SF9 activities or dramas." "And do you love him?" Y/n looks at him and his smile is gone, replaced with seriousness. What is she supposed to say? What does he want to hear? She sighs. "Jimin..." He smiles sadly at her and looks down. "I just want to make sure you're happy Y/n." She looks at Aeri and smiles. "I do love him Jimin. He's been so good to me. I don't deserve him." He looks up and smiles, nodding. "I'm glad you're happy Y/n. And you do deserve his love." She feels bad seeing her words had clearly cut him. "Jimin...." She softly says. "I'm fine Y/n. I'm happy for you. Really. I screwed up and lost you. It was only my fault. Zuho is lucky to have you." Y/n looks over to Aeri again and her heart hurts. She looks back at Jimin and reaches across the table to grab a hand that is wringing the napkin. He looks up at her and she can see the pain in his eyes. "I forgive you Jimin. Please don't do this to yourself anymore. Allow yourself to be happy. I want you to be happy too. And before you say you don't deserve it I'm going to tell you to shut up because yes you do. Please be happy Jimin." He smiles and she sees tears in his eyes. He nods and wipes a tear away as quick as it fell. He laughs and sits back, scanning the room then playing with Aeri. "Thank you Y/n. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but thank you for giving it to me." She nods and watches him allow Aeri to chew on his fingers and he giggles. "Maybe this can be a new start for us Jimin." He looks over at her with big eyes. She laughs. "Not like that lover boy. I mean maybe we can start over and be friends." He tilts his head, a smile forming. "Friends?" She nods. "I love you Jimin. I always will. And I didn't just love you romantically. You're a great man and was a great friend when we were together. Maybe we can try to keep that." He looks at Aeri and then back to Y/n and smiles bigger. "Friends. I'd like that Y/n." Y/n didn't know if it was a bad idea but her and Jimin exchanged numbers and agreed to give being friends a shot. Was he being selfish for trying to keep her in his life any way he could? Probably. But he couldn't help it. He was still in love with her and if the only way he could keep her in his life was as a friend, he'd grab hold of it. Y/n was worried about how to tell Zuho when he got back, wanting to be honest with him but not wanting to worry him. Jimin and her were supposed to get married. He ripped her soul apart at one time. But she was devoted to Zuho now and she'd make sure he knew that.

Zuho got back and immediately went home to see his girls. He'd missed them so much and couldn't wait to hold them. He walked through the door of their apartment and was greeted with Aeri crawling down the hallway. "There's my girl!" He yells as he scoops her up and floods her face with kisses, her squealing and laughing. He looks up when he sees Y/n smiling in front of him. He leans and kisses her. "Hi baby." She smiles and kisses him again. "Welcome home." They spend the day playing with Aeri and him telling her all the shenanigans the members caused in Europe. Dawon stories never got old. After dinner Zuho insisted to put Aeri to bed. Y/n bubbles with nerves as she waits on the couch for Zuho to come back. She wants to tell him about her and Jimin now, so she can see how he reacts and assure him he's not a threat. He walks in and flops on the couch next to her and takes her in his arms right away. "That girl....she knows how to work me. Whining so I wouldn't leave and would pat her back until she fell asleep." Y/n laughs and nods. "She just missed her Appa." He looks at her and beams. "And I missed her. And you baby." He leans over and takes her lips in a not hard but not soft kiss. "I'm ready to take you to bed and show you how much I've missed you" he says into her lips. She smiles but pushes him back. He furrows his brows a little but leans back. "Beforex we go to bed I want to talk to you." He tilts his head as he sees her become nervous. "Okay? Is everything ok Y/n?" She takes a deep breath and nods, then just spits it out. "I saw Jimin when you were gone." She looks at him as she feels him sit back more. His sweet smile was now gone, replaced with a clenched jaw. "Where?" "Well, I first saw him when Aeri and I went to HYBE to visit Hobi. I was surprised to see him to say the least, I had no idea he was now a choreographer." He nodded but kept his jaw clenched. "I did. Your brother told me and asked me to not tell you." Y/n felt a little hurt with all the secrecy for so long but chose to understand and ignore it. "We talked slightly there and then a few days ago I saw him again when Aeri and I were having lunch." "Did you talk to him again?" His deep voice came out calm but edgy. "Yes. He came over and said hi and I ended up inviting him to eat with us." Zuho clenched his jaw more and Y/n could see him getting angry. "You let your ex, fiancé...have lunch with my daughter?" Y/n sighs and looks at him. "It wasn't like that. Anything like that. It was completely friendly. He asked about you and us and we talked about what we'd been up to the past few years. He's happy for me, and for us. He doted on Aeri." He scoffed and stood up. "He doted on my daughter?? Did he touch her?" He spit. She looked up at Zuho who was clearly not taking this how she'd hoped. "Zuho....don't be like this. It wasn't like that." He glares at her. She's never seen him look at her like this. "Answer my question Y/n. Did that bastard touch my daughter?" She sighed and nodded. "Yes, he touched her. But it wasn't like that." He turns and runs his hands through his hair. "Really Y/n?! What's it like then?? How am I supposed to react to my girlfriend telling me that while I was out of the country she was having lunch, with my daughter, with her ex?" Y/n sighs and stands up. "Please don't over react Zuho. I'm trying to be honest with you about it." She hugs him and he calms immediately. She always had this affect on him. He sighs and hugs her back. "Thank you for telling me. And I'm sorry I got angry with you. It's just the thought of you being close to him....and Aeri....scares me. I don't want to lose you." She hugs him tighter. "You're not going to lose me. I love you Baek Juho. You. I'm not going anywhere. We are just going to be friends. He just wants me to be happy. And I have forgiven him and want him to find someone and be happy too." He leans back and looks down at her curiously. "Friends?" She nods and smiles. "We agreed to be friends. He works with my brother and in your industry. And he wasn't always a bad guy Zuho. As much as you'll disagree I think you and him would get along great. I loved him once, yes....but I love you now. You are my present. You and Aeri. Nothing will change that." Zuho feels an ache in his heart but nods then pulls her into a tight hug. He sighs and kisses her head. "Friends. Jesus Y/n.....I'll try, but I can't promise I'll be ok with this. But I'll try because I trust you and I love you." She smiles and leans up and kisses him passionately. "I love you too. Now let's go to bed so you can show me now how much you missed me."

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