"What is the status of the starship we are building now?" asked Governor Trevat.

Arkev's secretary replied that large starships were produced on Terminus and small starships, including commercial starships, were produced on the planet Myto. The production of military starships already uses new technology that has been researched so far.

Dr. Anen talks about the new military technology that went into making the Capital Military ship:

Weapon system :

-Heavy Turbolaser battery type 2. Incorporation of 4 Heavy Turbolaser Taim & Bak XX-9 into an automatic turret. The turret does not require a crew, thus greatly reducing the number of starship crews. The tracking and targeting systems are under the control of the droid brain, so the accuracy is much improved compared to the manual system used in standard star ships. Merging leads to space savings for the same firepower capabilities. Used for capital class starships

-Turbolaser battery type 1. The combination of four Taim & Bak X17 turbolasers in an automatic turret The turret does not require a crew, thus greatly reducing the number of starship crews. The tracking and targeting systems are under the control of the droid brain, so the accuracy is much improved compared to the manual system used in standard star ships. Merging leads to space savings for the same firepower capabilities. Used on smaller starships

-Ion Cannon Battery type 3. Merging 3 Ion Cannon Borstel NK-7 into an automatic turret The turret does not require a crew, thus greatly reducing the number of starship crews. The tracking and targeting systems are under the control of the droid brain, so the accuracy is much improved compared to the manual systems used in standard star ships. Merging leads to space savings for the same firepower capabilities. Used for all kinds of starships

-Anti-starfighter battery (CIWS) type 4. The automatic version of the AG-2G quad laser cannon is enhanced by adding one laser cannon so that it becomes a penta laser cannon to increase the rate of fire. The turret does not require a crew, thus greatly reducing the number of starship crews. The tracking and targeting systems are under the control of the droid brain, so the accuracy is much improved compared to the manual system used in standard star ships. Used for all kinds of starships

-Multipurpose VLS tube cluster on a starship. Using clusters of 20, 40, and 80 tubes The VLS can contain anti-star or anti-star fighter missiles. Cold launch of a missile using electromagnets

-AS-1 anti-ship missile, modified proton torpedo to be fired from VLS tubes. Increased speed and the addition of a micro shield system to prevent missiles from being shot down.

-the AF-1 anti-star fighter missile, a modification of the concussion missile to be fired from a VLS tube. The missiles are triple-packed in a VLS tube.

-Spinal mount super laser. The superlaser placed in the starship is pointed at a point by a magnetic deflector. The magnetic deflector controls the firing arc, which is only +/-5 degrees on all sides. The superlaser is made into segments. The more segments, the longer the superlaser and the more powerful the superlaser. The segment length is 50 meters. Each segment is equivalent to 10 heavy turbolasers.

-Dark trooper type DT-1, simplification of the dark trooper to be more like a super battle droid to make it easier to manufacture and lower production costs.

New spaceship:

-Battlestar-type capital starship (idea from Battlestar Galactica). Galactica is the class name. 850 meters long, armed with 24 Heavy Turbolasers type 2, 16 ion cannons type 3 and 12 CIWS type 4. There are 3 superlaser spinal mounts, where each hangar bay has 1 spinal mount with 1 segment, and the primary hull has 1 spinal mount with 5 segments. It has 16 VLS clusters of 80 tubes, 8 ventral and 8 dorsal. Carrying 12 squadrons, each squadron carries 12 star fighters; 6 squadrons per landing bay; and 2 squadrons in the ventral landing bay in the primary hull. The 3 bomber squadrons in the ventral landing bay also brought 12 shuttles and 8 dropships. They also brought 400 AD-1 automatic fighter droids. Crew: 1000 people, including star fighter crew, due to extensive automation. Also carries 700-man ground troops includes 20 ground attack vehicles, 30 personnel carriers and 2 command vehicles. We are able to deploy 1 prefabricated garrison. Furthermore, 1000 DT-1 dark troopers were brought. Hyperdrive speed : Class 1.0

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