8 Carrack Class Light Cruiser

10 CR90 Corvette

20 Gozanti Cruiser

Expedition Fleet (Admiral Krumbel Kasheef commanding):

1 Victory Class Stardestroyer

10 Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser

20 Carrack Light Cruiser

25 CR90 Corvette

40 Gozanti Class Cruiser

Trevat Private Fleet(Commander Deriick Galsgov commanding) :

6 Venator II Stardestroyer

4 Dreadnought heavy Cruiser

10 Carrack Light Cruiser

12 CR90 Corvette

In addition, there are almost 30 small starships as a patrol system under the command of Armeda General Krakov. The patrol ships were divided among all the habitable planets in the Myto sector.

The home fleet and the 1st defense fleet have their main base on Planet Myto. Likewise, with Trevat's private fleet. However, the expedition fleet has been moved by Trevat to Planet Terminus to protect the planet because on that planet there are a lot of infrastructure development activities. Part of the 1st defense fleet and General Armeda's patrol ships protect the planet Kiita.

In addition to military ships, Myto now also has 200 cargo ships and 150 passenger ships. The star ships are used to move families of personnel stationed in the Myto sector and transport materials for the construction of various new facilities in the Myto sector, including shipyards, outposts, mining stations, and others. The starships barely stopped flying across the galaxy and back to Myto due to the sheer number of infrastructure projects financed both by Myto sector itself, the galactic empire as part of the Emperor's directive, and by Trevat personally financing.

The infrastructure project activities, which require a lot of logistics, have also attracted other private starships to come to Myto and look for a transportation business in Myto. As a result, in total, the star ships that carry both cargo and passenger ships looking for a transportation business reach more than a thousand ships. As a result of this increase in business and infrastructure development, many temporary workers also came to the Myto sector, which in turn boosted the economy of the Myto sector.

For planetary defense, Planet Myto now has planetary defenses in the form of 6 Golan II Defense Platforms and 2 Golan III Defense Platforms. Plus, several space station platforms have weapons and star fighter squadrons. Of course, Planet Myto also has a planetary shield to protect the entire planet at once and is backed up by a theater shield that protects important parts of Planet Myto.

Meanwhile, another habitable planet in the Myto sector, namely the planet Kiita, has a defense in the form of four Golan-I Defense Platforms. A planetary shield is also under construction, but the main cities are already protected by theater shields. Planet Terminus also has a similar status. The main city has been protected by a theater shield, but the planetary shield has not yet been turned on. All planets are also equipped with ground-to-space weapons to deal with attacks from starships if needed.

Almost all sectors of Myto are seeded with sensor probes and holonet repeaters so that it is almost impossible for a ship or fleet hiding in deep space to be able to attack one of the planets in the Myto sector. This sensor also causes the activity of pirates and rebellions to be very minimal.

In addition, there were almost 500,000 new military personnel, of which 400,000 were crew members who came to Myto. The remaining 100,000 consisted of 50,000 stormtroopers and another 50,000 troops. This doesn't include support staff, who are mostly civilians and make up a larger number than the main military staff.

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