#17: Wishing for his freedom

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(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

Did he just said "hate"?


I recalled what Himeko-chan mentioned before going into this world.

"He hates me."

Could it be that it was Seijuro-san?

No. I shouldn't assume things without any lead. I must confirm it first.

"How can you say that?"

Seijuro-san seemed startled after hearing my serious tone, but soon composed himself.

"Because you don't know how valuable you are."

I arched a brow in confusion.

"I did mentioned it just now, didn't I?You always care about the others but not to yourself, despite being the rarest."

"You hate me because... I'm not taking care of myself?"

He arranged the set of Shogi, "Exactly."

"That part of you never change." Seijuro-san stood up, "I'll tell Yuuichiro-san and Hotaru that you're awake."

After he left, I slumped down, 'Himeko-chan... Could it be the reason why you do not want your body anymore was because Seijuro-san hates you for not looking after yourself? That doesn't make any sense at all,' I pinches the bridge of my nose. 'Just because of that reason that you relayed  your body to me? Because he hates that part of you? Did she threw a tantrum because of it? At least tell me what part of you "he" hated before you made me switched to your place! I wouldn't mind and I don't really care if someone hates me. That's just how life is. If there's love then there's hate.'

I pulled up the blanket to my head and huffed in frustration, 'Hmph. I gave up. I don't want to know the reason why did she have to do that and I don't wanna know the answers. I don't care about it anymore. I'll just enjoy my life here as Yukishiro Himeko. If anyone dared to spoil my fun or get in my way from achieving what I want in life, they'll pay for it. I should be more extra careful from now on too.'

I jolted in surprise when the door opened revealing Hajime-san and my brothers.

""Himeko/-neesama!!"" Yuuichiro-niisan and Hocchan cried.

"My sweet Himeko! How are you feeling?!"

"Did you have a trauma?! If you're scared, you don't have to go out anymore, nee-sama!!"

Hajime-san pried them off away from me. "Keep your voice down. You might disturb the other patients. We're in the hospital after all."

"Well?" Yuuichiro-niisan sat on a chair beside the bed, waiting for my reply.

"I'm fine. It's just a wound."

""Just a wound"!?" cried Hocchan,

"You got hit by a bullet!!" screeched nii-san as I have to covered my ears.

"Nii-san!" I scolded him.

I said, remembering something, "Thank you for listening to my selfish request. Seijuro-san told me that you payed for Erika-chan's expenses. Did you perhaps told her what happened to Hitsuji-san?"

"Yes. But don't worry, that guy will be released after a few years since he didn't do anything so crucial to you that much. Just some punishments for kidnapping, assaulting and using an old property as their hideout without any permissions and such," he continued, squinting his eyes with seriousness, "However, his other companions will receive heavy punishments for injuring and attacking you. Also, Seijuro mentioned that you were the one who convinced him to cooperate with your crazy ideas."

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