#19: Summer

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(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

2 Years later


(Yukishiro Himeko, 7)

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, and the beginning of the summer break.

The class cheered, excited to be away from school and to laze around as they want.

"Remember. Don't forget to do your homework!" reminded our homeroom teacher.

""""Yes, ma'am!!""""

When the teacher left, some of my classmates hurriedly packed their things and left, except for those cleaners.

Shintaro and I with the other 3 kids were assigned to clean today.

Me and Shintaro were erasing the lectures from the blackboard when I asked, "What are you going to do on your summer break, Shintaro?"

"Read some books, review the previous lessons, improve myself in basketball, and beat you on the next examination-nanodayo," listed the holder of Rank 2 of 3rd Grade.

I chuckled at his reply, "Good luck then~"

I finished erasing the left side of the blackboard and placed down the eraser on its case, dusting off the powdered white chalk that got on me.

Shintaro gripped the eraser as he furiously wiped the right side, "You only beaten me because your zodiac sign from that day was 1st while I ranked 4th. Next time for sure, I'll surpass you-nanodayo!"

"I'm looking forward to it! If you're working extra hard then I'll triple my hardwork so you won't beat me-nanodayo," I teased.

"Hmph! Just you wait," he mumbled.

After we finished arranging and cleaning the classroom, I carried my things and was about to exit the classroom with Shintaro when those 3 other cleaners surrounded me.

"Ne, Yukishiro-chan. Where are you going to spend your summer break?"

"If you don't have any plans why don't you hang out with me to an island where my grandparents live?"

"Or play with me! I have lots of toys in my home. It'll be fun!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I have other plans to do. I've been looking forward about it for 2 weeks," I told them monotonously as I stood beside Shintaro. Boredom was visible on my face as I stared at them.

"Don't tell me that you're going to spend the rest of your summer break to the orphanages?" gasping, one of them brought a hand to their mouth.

"Why do you even care about them so much? They're no fun to be with," one of them said.

"Yeah. Also, they're stink and lack some knowledge. Most of all, they're boring."

The three little witches giggled.

"Come on, Yukishiro-chan, don't waste your time with them. Come play with us instead," insisted the other.

'These little....'

I took a deep breath and pulled Shintaro with me out of the classroom, ignoring them.

"Hey! Where are you going, Yukishiro-chan?!"

"Why do you keep ignoring us?! We've been trying to be your friend and this is how you treat us?!"

"Don't act so mighty just because you're the daughter of a filthy rich family!!"

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