#7: The Emperor

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(Kyaaaa!(☆/>u</)This is one of the moments I've been waiting for to write!

Enjoy Reader-san!!

Here it goes!!

—Your Author-chan)

(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

(#)nth Weeks later. . .

"Pardon?" I stared at onii-chan with a dumbstruck look.

'I hope I misheard it... Please, tell me it's not true....'

"You're going to stay at your cousin's home with Hotaru for awhile since tomorrow's friday is a holiday. Don't fret. It's only for 3 days," he solemnly said, rubbing his forehead. "I won't be able to come and enjoy with you two. I have things to do with ojii-san to the Yukishiro Company. So behave while I'm not with you two and look after our little brother. Hajime will come with you, too."

I nodded. "Understood. I promise I won't do anything to embarrass our family's name, especially in front of the," I paused, "... Akashis."

"Good," onii-chan nodded his head in satisfaction as he caressed my head. "Pack your things and sleep early so you'll have tons of energy for tomorrow."

"Oh, I will." With a bow, I excused myself to head to my room. I sat on my chair once I got there and layed my upper body on my study desk, covering my face with both hands.

Since Yuuichiro is going to be busy tomorrow to check the Company of his family, he decided to let me and Hotaru stay in the Akashi residence with their permission because Yuuichiro knows that I dislike staying in one place for a long period of time. If only I didn't say that I'm going to be bored again in Yukishiro's mansion, he shouldn't have contacted the Akashi family to have a bonding to begin with.

To be frank, I am not looking forward for tomorrow. Just seeing them for the first time made me fainted. But what about the second meeting?

A long sigh escaped from my mouth as I straightened up. "Akashi Seijuro...," I mumbled his name. From what I've learned from Aki-san that Shiori-san's and Masaomi-san's son is my—Himeko's cousin. He is the next heir of his family's company. Masaomi-san, Seijuro's father, the head of the Akashi household and Company, is a very very... deadly strict person.

One wrong move in their household and I am doom!

It was Masaomi-san's fault in the first place that his son doesn't have much freedom and affection. The only person who gives him those is his dearest mother, Shiori-san.

His mother even begged to his father to give him a taste of freedom. I can imagine that both of his parents lacked freedom as well when they were young and Shiori-san wants her son to experience even just a slightest freedom before Seijuro take over his parent's company. Shiori-san is a Geisha (I just made that up. Don't know if it's true in the anime/manga/lightnovel. Since ,In Kyoto, Geisha is common there.) after all so she also experienced lack of freedom from her youth. When she was training to become a Geisha, she wasn't even allowed to see her family till the coming of her age.

The duty of an Akashi is to achieve victory at almost everything and being a failure is a very big no-no.

That's a lot of pressure, expectation, and responsibility to a member of an extremely wealthy family.

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