#12: Plan

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(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Yuuki's POV)

"... I knew it! It was you all along. I saw it coming," there was a cold smile on the 5 years old girl as she said in a cheerful tone.

The Head butler was taken aback by her chosen words.

"Prey tell?" The head butler squinted his eyes at her small figure as he wore a stern look.

"Haven't you heard? Guys who seem nice are the scariest of all," she nonchalantly answered. "I've learned from my past when I entrusted a kind looking employee of mine as a cashier for awhile because I was sick that time. He took some money for a week. He didn't know that I placed a hidden camera at the counter to monitor him. After I got cured, I checked the people's orders from the records from the counter and counted how much money he stole. That's how I know."


At the alley of Nishiki Market, 2 hours ago before the kidnapping occurred....

The white haired girl was about to charge at the chubby man to help Hotaru and Seijuro, but a person behind her loomed over her small figure.

"Yuuki, behind you!" Seijuro warned his cousin. Hotaru's bright blue eyes widened as he watched that person karate-chopped his sister's nape. Dropping the pipe, the girl collapsed on the ground. Beside another head butler who was knocked out using a stun gun.

"You...!? Why!?" Hotaru's shouted, desperately wanting to strangle the one who hit his sister who took off his hood and mask. "How dare you do this to us!?"

"Calm down, Hotaru," Seijuro said as he furrowed his brows at him.

"Good work, Ryuu, Sato, and Kai."

Uninterested, the head butler narrowed his eyes at the kids as he took out his phone before messaging someone. Seconds later, a car parked behind Kai and the kids.

"Hey, let's bring that girl with us," said Sato, the tall muscular man.

"The more the merrier, right?" added Ryuu, the average man.

The head butler smirked at his companions, "Do whatever you want." He wore his mask back and pulled up his hood on his head.

The chubby man, Kai, pushed down Hotaru in a not so gentle manner to the ground before opening the door to the backseat. He shoved in the future heir of Akashi Company before entering in. The other men began to go to the car to enter as the head butler carried the young lady in a bridal style.

"Let them go!!" Hotaru yelled. Before he could get any closer to them, Ryuu showed him a gun. Seeing it, Hotaru had no other choice but to do nothing as he gritted his teeth and glaring at them.

"Let's go," the head butler said as they entered and shut the door's backseat.

"I said let's go, Mikuni," he glared at the driver.

The vehicle began to move.

"Why are you doing this?" Seijuro asked who was beside Yuuki as Kai restrained him.

"For money, of course," the butler simply said.

"Isn't it enough that chichiue pays you once a month with a huge amount of money to serve us? Doing things like this is idiocy. Can't you think of anything better than this?" Seijuro said monotonously, as Kai began to tie his wrists behind him.

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