#8: Pony Riding With Seijuro-san

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(Enjoy the chapter 8! (*・ω・*)b♪


(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

Innocent big red eyes stared back at me. I was completely awake when I realized who was speaking to me.


'A-Akashi... Seijuro,' I can feel my face drained it's color. 'Calm down... Remember what the Oha-Asa said. Calm and happy,' I told myself, not daring to break the eye contact with him.

I was about to say something but he beat me to it, "Never mind, you've lost your memories. It is obvious that you don't remember me."

"Sei...," I stood up from my seat and bowed with a smile, "Good day, Seijuro-san. I'm glad to see you. Just like what you've heard, I lost my memories on my 4th birthday." I can't call him 'Sei-nii' like what Himeko does.

I lied, "You do not have to bother reintroducing yourself to me. My brother Yuuichiro already told me about you before I got here."

"Great. That'll save my time."

"Have you already finished your studies, Seijuro-san? When me and my little brother arrived, your father told us that you were studying," I said, taking my seat once again.

Seijuro-san crossed his arms across his chest, "I've already finished it all 30 minutes ago."

'So I've been taking a nap for 30 minutes or so? For me it feels like I've only rested for 5 minutes. Am I too sleepy that I didn't notice the time? Do I have an eye bugs? Hopefully not.'

"Aren't you going to take a rest? You must be tired."

"I am not tired. Hahaue (mother) told me to have some time with my cousins. Since I have free time, why don't you entertain me? If I'm not interested, I won't waste my time to you."

A sweat trickled my face. Even though he's only a mere child, he looks intimidate at this age. His aura around him says so. Is it because of the way his father raised him?

I pinched my lips together, 'He have been through a lot than any other kids his age. He rarely gets his freedom and he have a huge responsibility ahead of him....'

"So? What are we going to do? I'm free till evening," he said, impatiently.

'He was given a chance to do whatever he wants for a day. It's like a day off. Masaomi-san piled up his studies, thinking that it'll take Seijuro-san a long time to finish it. But Seijuro-san finished it before the day could end. Perhaps his parents made a deal whether he can do it or not. If he did then, Seijuro-san has a lot of free time for today. If I'm going to waste his time, it should be something he truly enjoy....'

"Do you play Chess, Seijuro-san?"

I'm not good at playing Shogi so I chose Chess.

"Of course."

I suggested, "Is it alright if we play Chess?"

Seijuro-san touched his chin, deep in thought. He finally answered after a couple of silence, "That's fine with me. I have Chess set in my room. Let's go." He stood up.

"Shall we invite Hotaru, too?"

"Don't. He'll only make a terrible mess in my room. The last time he entered my room, he broke a flower vase," he said with seriousness.

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