#16: Hospital

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(3rd Person's POV)

Currently restraining Hitsuji, with his other free hand, Hajime reached for his pocket and pulled out his phone. He then called his young master

"Yuuichiro-sama, this is Hajime. The unit may now enter, and arrest 6 persons in the building.

"[Hm? That was unexpectedly quick. Didn't you just sneaked in there a few minutes ago?]" asked the brother of Himeko from the other line, with hint of shock from his tone.

"Seijuro-sama, along with Himeko-sama, according them, they managed to knock 5 of the kidnappers. Right now, I am restraining the monster behind this."

"[Hajime,]" Yuuichiro paused for a few seconds, "[How are the kids? Especially, Himeko?]" worried tinged in his voice.

"Seijuro-sama is unhurt, but please bring the medical team as soon as possible."

"[I have a bad feeling about this...!]"

Hajime moved his phone away from his ear, hearing his young master ordering the medical team to head to the building from the other line before pushing the end call button and placing his phone back to his pocket.

The head butler removed his necktie and used it to tie Hitsuji's wrists together.

Not long after, the policemen and the medical team came. The medic team took care of the kids, while the heavily armed policemen arrested Hitsuji and searched the rest from the other floors.

"Oh my! What happened to your left shoulder?!" asked a member of the medical team as they readied the stretcher and made Himeko laid down on it.

"This is nothing," Himeko tried to assure them, however, Seijuro told them what happened and they gasped in shock when they heard it.

"Hurry. Treat her wound immediately and head to the hospital," ordered Hajime.


They carried her away and placed Himeko in the ambulance as Seijuro watched them go.

"Seijuro-sama," Hajime led him outside.


Seijuro's mother embraced him in her arms as soon as she saw her child.


"I'm so worried about you! I'm so glad you're safe. Yes, you are safe now, Seijuro-san," cried Shiori, "None of these shouldn't happened to you and Himeko-san. I just wanted to make you feel happy from all of your hardwork you've done to make us proud, that's why I decided to go shopping with you and your cousins. This is my fault, for I fell from Hitsuji-san's trap."

Wrapping his arms around his dear mother, Seijuro's tears fell as relief washed over him. His shoulders shook as he began to cry in silence.


While heading to a nearby private hospital, the medical team cleansed the little girl's wound. When they arrived, they placed her to a gurney and entered in.

Yuuichiro and Hajime talked to a person at one of the counters.

Then 2 nurse appeared and began to push Himeko on the gurney to the surgery room to remove the bullet that got stuck in her body.

"Wait! Wait!"

"Please calm down, Himeko-sama. Once the bullet is remove, you'll be fine," said Hajime.

"Hang in there, Himeko! Don't die!" cried Yuuichiro.

"I'm not dying yet, Yuuichiro-niichan!" She quickly added, "Can you please check if there's a patient named Erika? It's Hitsuji-san's daughter. She's the same age as Seijuro-san. If she's here or in any hospitals, can you pay for her hospital bills? It has to be today! She really needs it. Just think of it as my dying request. If you don't, I'll hunt you once I turned into a white lady!"

Himeko's voice tinged with desperate as she looked at into Yuuichiro's maroon eyes, no longer joking, "Please."

At first there was hesitation in his eyes but soon gave up, "All right. I'll do it. Hajime, come with me."


Walking away, the two males glanced at Himeko for the last time who was being carried away by the nurses to a surgery room.

Feeling extremely tired, Himeko closed her eyes and lost consciousness from blood loss.

(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

The first thing I saw when I woke up was a cliche white ceiling. I tried to get up but I can't seem to do it.

Too tired and hungry to move.

"How are you feeling?"

I turned my head to my other side and saw Seijuro-san playing shogi in solo on the floor.

"I assumed that you're hungry."

I nodded my head weakly. "Very hungry."

I scanned the room and saw a clock. It was around 6 PM.

Seijuro-san continued to play, "The operation was a success. They already removed the bullet. You're lucky that it didn't damaged a bone. Very Lucky, I must say."

I heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing it.



"2 of your ribs are broken."

My mouth hanged open in shock. After I recovered from it, I faced the other side with a devil look and clenched my tiny fists, 'I hope the one who kicked me will rot in hell! Like, seriously, who would kick such a cute girl?!'

"Just don't move too much or you might re-open your stitched wound, understood?"

"... Yes."



I turned my head to face him.

"... Thank you for saving. But don't ever do that again. I was ashamed for not able to protect you properly."

"I'm sorry about that," I felt guilty. 'Did Masaomi-san or Yuuichiro-niichan scolded him? I hope none of them hit him.'

Seijuro-san glanced to my direction, "Coincidentally, that person's daughter is right here in this hospital." He seemed to refuse to call Hitsuji-san's name as if it'll leave a nasty taste from his mouth.

Then he told me that Yuuichiro-niichan payed for Erika-chan's hospital expenses. I almost cried in happiness when I heard that.

"Thank goodness! Now, Hitsuji-san won't worry about it anymore!"

"Why are you so concerned about the others so much and not to your own? Don't you care about yourself?" He asked suddenly as he wore an upset expression.

"Huh? Well," I scratched my cheek, "If I don't, I'll feel guilty and sad. It's like it'll haunt me forever if I didn't do what's right when I'm given a chance to do so," I fiddled my fingers as I stared at the wall across me. I can feel my face twisted in pain.

"Long ago... there was a girl who died from getting hit by a truck. I knew that it was heading towards her, and yet, I... I didn't save her. I didn't... do anything at all. I watched it happened in front of me. Pathetic, isn't it? That's why, whenever someone needs any help, if it's for good and if they deserve it, I'll help them no matter what even if it cause any harm to me. If I don't actually do anything, I feel very restless."

I wiped a tear before it could fall on my cheek.

"Himeko.... That part of you——

I hate it the most."

(HAPPY VALENTINES TO MY DEAR READERS! As always, thank you for reading this book. I really appreciate it very much! 💖

Special mention to my supportive reader:


Thank you so much for the reads, comments and votes! 💗 I'm so glad someone likes this book.

I hope you all have a lovely day! 💗

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