#2: Boredom

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(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

After resting for a whole day (Yey, I'm free from works! I'm worried about the café now that I'm not there anymore ,though.), Hajime-san was in Himeko's— I mean, in my room. He was explaining slowly about Himeko's life and others so that I can properly process it all in my mind as I ate my breakfast. Yahoo! Breakfast in bed!

Hajime-san cleared his throat, "Himeko-sama, are you listening?"

'Oops. I was too engrossed to my foods. Sorry!'

"Yes, Hajime-san," I said, chewing some foods in my mouth.

"Then what are the names of your family?"

I swallowed the food that I was eating. "Yuuto and Kaoru were my birth parents. Yuuichiro...-niichan, 14, is my older brother. I'm the middle child and Hotaru, 3, is my younger brother."

Hajime-san gave me a nod of satisfaction. "Very good."

'I wanna have a cute little sister! Why am I the only female child of this family??'

Yuuichiro is attending the Teiko Middle School, currently at top 1, Hajime-san told me. He'll be the heir of one of the top company of Japan once he turned 21. How crazy is that!? Despite being a crybaby, he takes his responsibilities so serious. He won so many trophies, medals and other awards. 'I'm so proud of you onii-chan!!'

Then, Hajime-san told me about the workers of my family in this household. Like he said from yesterday, Hajime-san is Yuuichiro's personal butler and the head butler. Hajime-san was the 3rd longest worker of Yuuki's parents. He have been, looking after Yuuichiro since he was 7 years old and Yuuichiro was 5 that time. I can't believe that Hajime-san is still 16 because he looks so matured!!

He mentioned the head chef, Andrew-san, the 2nd oldest and longest worker. And the maid who I saw when I woke up was Aki-san. Same name but not the Aki-san I know from my world. Then there's the head maid, Chiaki-san, the most oldest and longest of my parents' workers. She have been working for the Yukishiro family for 40 years, talk about loyalty. She's already at the age of 62, still active and healthy. She have been told by Kaoru-san to retired because of her old age, but Chiaki-san refused and said that she'll only retire once Yuuichiro has taken over his parents' company.

'So 7 more years then. You can do it, obaa-chan!'

Chiaki-san doesn't have a husband or a children. I'm worried about her future after she'll retire... I guess I'll request someone to look after her when the time comes. Hajime-san had mentioned the other workers but I didn't pay much attention to it.

'I can't remember all the names in just a day. Please have mercy on my poor brain.'

"—Those are the names of the workers of this Yukishiro mansion," Hajime-san finished. Phew. All done? I'm already done eating.

He took away the tray with napkin, plates, glass of drink, and other utensils and placed it on the cart beside him. I'm so glad that I know some table manners and other etiquette. Hajime-san was staring at me intently when I was eating. He looked strict but had kind eyes.

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