#6: A Gift

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(OMG you guys are still reading this book? Awe, thanks!


Enjoy~ (≧∇≦)/


(Koizumi Tsubaki/Yukishiro Himeko's POV)

I continued conversing with Midorima, even if he wasn't listening. "Did you know: that more than 99% of Calcium can be found in your bones and teeth. Apparently 1% is found in your blood."

I added, "There's a nearest star to Earth, besides Sun, is Posima Centauri, 4.2 light years away." I continued, noticing that he became interested to the facts I've known, "And even though Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun, Venus is actually the most hottest planet in our galaxy. That is because Venus has an extremely dense carbon-dioxide atmosphere, which creates the strongest green-house effect known to man. The first spiral Galaxy that was discovered, besides our own, is the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51). It is estimated to be 23 million light years away from the Milky Way."

He did a side glance to my direction. I smiled. "The distance of the Moon from Earth is 384,402 km (238,856 ml). "

I mentioned some other facts and trivia about Science, because I know that he likes the Science subject. Especially Biology and Chemistry. His eyes would twinkle with inspiration each time I mentioned one.

15 minutes later, another student entered in the classroom as I continued talking to Midorima. But after awhile, I stopped since he wasn't listening to me anymore and focused his attention to the book he was reading. I guess he was embarrassed because there was another classmate inside and he doesn't want others to think that we're close friends or something. I just know it. He's the most easiest person to be read like an open book.

Time passed, the students and the homeroom teacher are already in the classroom. "Congratulations on your enrollment everyone. I'm Nanami, your homeroom teacher," The teacher introduced herself to us and told the dos and don'ts in the room. Then we moved on to introduction. "Now why don't you introduce yourselves? Let's begin at the back."

"Hai!" I stood up confidently, ignoring some of the weird stares that was giving to me by some of my classmates because Himeko's appearance is... peculiar to them.

"Yukishiro Himeko. My hobbies are reading books, baking, and listening to classical music and catchy songs. I like sweets, especially marshmallows. And I dislike pervert persons. I hope we'll all get along and let's make good memories together! That's all," I bowed for the finale.


Lunch time

"Midorima, let's eat together!" I said as I placed down my bento and sat at his table.

Midorima gave me a harsh glare. "Eat on your own. Stop bothering me and go away. You're a distraction-nanodayo."

I poked his cheeks, "That's cute. Now let's eat!"

"C-Cute...!? Oi!! Are you even listening-nanodayo!?"

I unwrapped my bento and opened it. 'Uw—a! As expected of Andrew-san, today's lunch box looks good!'

"Close your mouth. You're drooling. It's unsightly. Go away. You made me lose my appetite the moment I saw you-nanodayo."

'Tsundere much?'

Ignoring what Midorima said, I pressed my palms together, "Itadakimasu!"

He tightly gripped his chopsticks as a vein popped from his head.

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