She knew that sounded horrible and it made her sound like an awful mom and human being but it was the truth.

"Okay, don't cut the cord," Emilia repeated, "What if the rest want out too?"

"Don't cut the cord."

Jo nodded, "So we don't cut the cord."

"Don't cut the cord." Arizona repeated.

"Also, the first baby is coming out hand first." Jo said.

"No one is putting their hands in me and pushing these babies back inside or moving them in any way." Gisele protested.

"They should be small enough to pass through and they're flexible enough that their bones won't be broken if you manipulate them." Arizona explained.

Gisele groaned out in pain, this contraction was way stronger than the other, she knew it was different then the other ones.

"I need to push."

"What?!" Jo questioned, "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

Emmy helped Gisele sit up in the lounge chair before slowly helping her lean back into the chair.

"I know this is a stupid thing to say, but don't push. Hold it, for like five seconds," Emmy said, "I'm going to get towels and yell and the Captain. I will be super quick."

Emmy ran away from them and towards the Captain.

"Okay, I'm going to check you know." Jo said. She checked and Gigi was in fact ready to birth the first baby, she was fully at a ten, "You're ready to have the first baby."

"I'm so scared." She whispered.

"Everything's fine, remember."

Emmy came back with a handful of towels and a large first aid kit.

"Okay, I got the stuff." She dropped to her knees and saw just how far dilated Gigi was, she jerked back, "Ew, you're about to have a baby."

"I know." Gisele felt another contraction rip through her, "I have to push."

Emmy went to her side and headed hold of her hands, "Just squeeze okay."

"Push whenever you're ready, Gigi."

Gisele took a deep breath, then pushed. Then she felt a fiery sensation and stopped, gasping for a breath.

"Oh my fucking god, this really burns," she let out a shaky breath, "How do people do this with full term ten pound babies?"

"How's it going Jo?" Emmy asked.

"It has so much hair," Jo gushed, "The arm is a little in the way but Arizona was right, they're really flexible but I'm worried about it losing oxygen so not to be rude or impatient but... you need to hurry."

Gisele groaned, "This sucks."

Emmy pressed a kiss onto her check, "I know babe."

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