𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏: 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐨

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˚· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cherish the moment while it last...

𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 who he saw outside sitting at the swing while the other pushes, "COME ON TUBBO HIGHER!" the other shouted making him push harder enough for him to go higher. Their loud laughter can be heard from afar when suddenly Tommy's grip slip throwing him off the swing "AHHHHHHH!" he screamed before he can hit the ground, Ranboo teleported catching him on his arms.

"OH MY GOD I ALMOST FUCKING DIED!" Tommy says while Ranboo gently puts him down "are you okay!?" Tubbo comes rushing at them checking him if he was alright "I'm fine, I'm a strong man." Tommy says flexing his muscles making both snickered at him "I hate you guys" he says.

"Uh right I have something to tell you guys" Ranboo quietly told them. ""Maybe you can tell us while we go to the flower forest? You promised that we would go!" Tubbo pleaded looking at him making a sad face "fine," Ranboo replied he can't really say no to him. Tubbo cheered grabbing both Ranboo and Tommy's wrist together making them start walking with him towards the flower forest. "So, what were you going to tell us?" Tommy asked constantly kicking off small rocks along the way.

"So, these past few days, I have not been myself..." he stops thinking carefully on what he'll say next "there are times that I would be doing things I'm not really supposed to be doing and It can be dangerous. There are times I can't stop myself, but Y/n has been helping me a lot..." he continued while the others attentively listen to him "so that's why she made the crown for you?" Tubbo asked "yeah it helps me clear my mind" Ranboo replied.

"So, you're like in a trance, that what you mean?" Tommy asks and Ranboo nodded, "so that's the reason why you're always gone at night." he says Ranboo stops walking "you knew that?" now all of them stopped even Tubbo "I mean you move to much when you get up" he grinned "wait why didn't you tell me?" Tubbo asked but Tommy only shrugged "whatever let's go were close!"

The trio happily run through the forest until they reached their destination letting the wind brush through their skin, trampling some flowers and grass along the way. They finally stop, panting and catching their breath no matter how many times they go here it still shocks them just how peaceful and beautiful it was.

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fanart from: cytrus_jpg (twitter)

"Come on guys!" Tubbo shouted at the two going to different flowers and taking each of it, before sitting on the grass placing all the flowers that he got on his lap "what's he doing?" Tommy asked, "making flower crowns" Ranboo replied walking next to Tubbo and sitting beside him, carefully helping him bent the stems without breaking it forming a circle and doing it a few times checking if it fit Tubbo's head. "Tommy, do you want one?" he asked only for him shake his head "aw come on, we can have matching flower crowns!" Tubbo stated placing the one he made to Tommy's head, but he dodges running away from him "nOooOo, I don't want one!"

"Fine, here you can just have this flower" Tubbo says catching up and giving him a cornflower "why cornflower?" he asked "well other than dandelions, cornflowers are bees favorite cause they're very rich in nectar." Tubbo replied Tommy making an :0 face and smelling the flower before eating half of it, "what the fuck? TOMMY STOP!" Tubbo shouted at him taking the cornflower away from his hands while Ranboo comes running behind Tubbo and laughing at them. (raccoons can actually eat flowers)

"Why did you do that!?" Tubbo was shocked "I don't know I'm just hungry I guess?" Tommy replied he didn't really have any food in his pockets and neither does Ranboo "you can't just eat flowers Tommy" he says reaching into his pockets taking out 3 carrots and giving it to him "that's all I have."

"Where did you even get this? DID YOU STOLE IT?" Tommy asked taking all the carrots and eating one of it. "I got it from Techno's farm and yes I stole it, he wouldn't know I did if you won't tell him." He stated grinning nervously "don't worry about it Tubbo we won't" Ranboo says placing his hands on his shoulder lightly laughing at him, "yeah we definitely won't" Tommy replied grinning at him mischievously before taking off running through the forest with Tubbo and Ranboo chasing him.

"TOMMY COME BACK!" They shouted Tommy didn't know where he was going, he was just running to different directions he did it as a joke, so they think that he was actually going to tell techno but of course he won't. He stops running when he saw them out of sight and now, he was in the middle of fucking nowhere, and there he saw a small opening to a cave. It didn't scare him at all as it was only afternoon, so the sun was shining at the cave, though he did feel slightly weirded out he didn't hear anything like zombies or any mobs.

He was going to go and sit in the cave when he heard rustling behind him his ears perking up, he was surprised to be tackled by both of them "get off me, you guys are so fucking heavy!" he groaned pushing Ranboo and Tubbo off of him and dusting himself off. "How the hell did you guys catch up?" Tommy asked "Ranboo teleported me to you" Tubbo says fixing the crown on his head same with Ranboo "where even are we?" he asked.

"OH GOD WERE LOST!" Tubbo shouted panicking walking back and forth until Tommy stops him "don't worry Tubbo, Ranboo remember the way back home, right?" He says looking at Ranboo waiting for him to say yes but Ranboo shook his head, now Tommy and Tubbo are panicking "OH MY GOD WERE FUCKING SCREWED!"

"Guys calm down, why don't we retrace our steps?" Ranboo says leaving both of them while he walks back checking if there's any footprints when suddenly a flower petal falls down to the ground, his eyes widened noticing that some parts are turning brown withering away. He took of his flower crown some have brown spots, some are misarranged, and some flowers were missing that probably fell when he was running too fast. He was worried this was a bad time now what more could be a bad time when he felt light drops of rain on his skin, he looks up the sky was getting dark they have no choice but to find shelter.

Tubbo and Tommy rans up to him "Ranboo we have to go!" they pulled him up Tommy pointing to the cave that he saw, running and pulling both of them before the rain started pouring down getting heavier and louder every minute, loud thunder can be heard near them when suddenly a lightning strikes one of the trees setting them on fire. They were scared some of the trees were now on fire, but the rain would gradually put it out.

"Even the prettiest flower will die one day, it's nature's way of teaching us that nothing last forever."

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