𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗: 𝐖𝐡𝐨?

854 34 10

A/N (this is still the same day when the others left to search for y/n aka you which was in the afternoon, while you just woke up in the morning probably at 8:30AM)


This was just any other day doing the same exact things from eating breakfast to feeding dande and taking a stroll either walking or flying, except for today it'll be a bit different since I'm going to the village I've found yesterday night. 

Here I am getting ready packing up my stuff making sure that I have enough food for my trip as well as seeds of course, can't just leave dande starving right? I took a shower not cold or hot just the right temperature, after wrapping my body in a towel I quickly looked at my closet choosing what I'll be wearing for today. Hmmm... this one or the other? Ehh I'll just pick this. 

(you don't have to worry about your wings they can keep themselves hidden, so if you ever need them they'll just appear

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(you don't have to worry about your wings they can keep themselves hidden, so if you ever need them they'll just appear. If you forgot your wings have their own mind and ABILITY that I said from the start so I'm just reminding you.)

Hmm well damn I look good, I chuckled grabbing my hair brush and combing my hair. "Well time to go I can't waste anymore time" I said to myself, running downstairs to where the living room was and grabbing my bag with dande following me.

 Closing the door and looking back to my house I'll come back for you just gonna go on a little trip I smiled thinking that I might bring back home another friend well more like a pet or who knows maybe I'll meet a person there. 

- fast forward in the afternoon - 


They have been walking for a while time check it was 4:27PM, they decided to stop for a bit taking the food that they packed out of their bags and eating them. 

"Are we there yet?" Tubbo asked, Phil only replied with "no" while taking a sit on the grass trying to get comfy. 

"Were still quite far away" Dream said while taking a look at his map to only see nothing but trees, "I'm tired can I just sleep for a bit?" George said who was rubbing his eyes trying to get them to stay open.

"Come on George stay awake, unless you want us to sleep in here with the mobs spawning" Sapnap said earning a scoff from him. 

They decided to continue after a while, Tommy started talking making the vibe soften. Some people would find him annoying but at this kind of times you really have to thank him for making everybody laugh and breaking the silence. 


After walking for quite a while I decided to just use my wings and fly making it easier to reach the village, why didn't I did this earlier? While flying I was humming to myself when I felt Dande on my back, "taking a break huh?" to which he replied chirp chirp! 

He was trying to get comfy on my back looking for a comfortable position and then sleeping, hm I decided to just let him sleep probably tired from all that flying he has to do. I was tired too my eyes closing my wings slowing down damn am I that tired?  I rubbed my eye hoping for the tiredness to go away, I once tried to take my eye patch off since I was uncomfortable about it but I notice that my left eye was very sensitive to sunlight hence why it was covered with an eye patch so I decided to just let it be. 

After flying for about who knows how long, I can finally see the village up high it was quite big I decided to drop down on a forest near it I don't want people to see my wings who knows what they'll do to me. Plus there were some Iron Golems station in the village, I don't want them to think that I'm a threat when I just want to explore and trade some items. I let Dande off my back making him wake up, he was roaming around checking some stuff who knows.

Landing in the forest the first thing that caught my eye was that some trees are missing some leaves... was someone out here? I mean I knew that there were people here but why get the leaves but not the wood? I suddenly felt goosebumps on my arms there was this feeling and not a good one, like someone was watching me it was eerie... Dande probably felt this too as he came back rushing to my side landing on my shoulder.

"Hello is someone there!?" I shouted waiting for a response It was so quiet that I could hear my heartbeat beating fast, maybe this was a bad idea I can just come back here later or never.. I said to myself when suddenly I felt pain in my left eye shit what now? chirp chirp! It's okay dande my eye just hurts.

For some reason I felt a presence I turned around looking for someone but there wasn't anyone, my left eye was starting to hurt more. Backing away slowly my wings ready to fly I bumped into someone looking up was a person I couldn't see their face it was hidden but I knew something was wrong my eye felt like it was burning, I was clutching it I wanted it to stop. My vision was getting blurry when suddenly the person standing in front of me was getting closer. chirp chirp away! dande was warning me. 

"Stay away!" I said while backing up but he only kept walking to me when his hands reached out to my face, I wanted to slap his hands away but I couldn't move my body was shaking. Dande was trying to bite his hands but he just swatted him away like he was nothing, "NO!" I shouted I looked to the side he was still breathing but one of his wings was hurt, he was gonna get closer to me but I shake my head not wanting him to get closer. He looked at me it seems like he understood what I did and with that he run away. 

It was fine at least he can live but for now I have to stay with this person in front of me who suddenly lifted my face his hands took off my eye patch revealing my silver eyes, and then he  removed his hood revealing his face the first thing I noticed was that his eyes it was glowing? Well more like he didn't have one his eyes was just white, he spoked to me in another language but I understand it for some reason.

ꑛꍟ꒒꒒ꆂ ꓅ꑛꍟ꒓ꍟ ꌚꆂ ꅐꍟ'ꏝꍟ ꄘꂑꁹꋫ꒒꒒ꐟ ꁒꍟ꓅...

"What do you want for me?" I asked him I still couldn't move my eyes staring at his, he only looked at me before bringing his hands on both of my eyes covering them. My eyes was still in pain I couldn't cry for some reason, but when he did that the pain was gone and all I could see was the darkness I felt my body getting weak until I passed out hearing his last words...

꒒ꍟ꓅ ꁒꍟ ꑛꍟ꒒ꉣ ꐟꆂꐇ...

Authors Note

Well i'm pretty sure you guys already know who he is, I've left hints in some of the chapters if you've been looking at the pictures ;)

w.c: 1.2k

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