𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖: 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮

147 7 12

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ fluff


I walked out the door only to come face to face with Tubbo, "need anything tubs?" I asked, "not really are you going somewhere?" he asked "mhm to the flower forest" I said. "Uh well maybe you can take Ranboo? He seems to have something in his mind" he says pointing to him sitting at the swing staring at the grass, I nodded "will do" and patted his head. I walked up to Ranboo, I can tell that he was thinking about something that he didn't even notice me standing in front of him. "Earth to boo?" I said causing him to flinch.

"Y/n" he says standing up and hugging me, "are you okay?" I asked hugging him back and rubbing his back. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until he spoke "I don't think so, are you going somewhere?", "yeah do you want to come with me?" I asked, he stopped hugging me and said yes.

"Do you want to walk?" I asked again and he nodded, we were walking for quite a while in a comfortable silence until I feel the urge to look back seeing him standing completely still like he was in a trance. I walked back to him looking at his eyes he doesn't seem to notice me, so I grabbed his hands snapping him out of it, "come on we're almost close" I said smiling grabbing his other hand making him run with me to the flower forest.

I stood there for a minute with him behind me, inhaling the fresh air and feeling the breeze on my skin. I sat on the grass with him doing the same, I stayed silent, waiting for him to tell me what he was thinking about, I would take glances at him seeing if he has fallen asleep, but he didn't. "I don't know what I was doing last night" he spoke "were you sleep walking?" I asked.

"Not really more like... similar to what happened to you that night" he says, I frowned at the thought of him doing something he didn't want to do and getting hurt because of it. "But you..." he whispered "hmm" I said tilting my head at him "you pulled me out of it, out of my trance" he continued.

"When everything goes dark just hearing your voice or feeling your touch brings me back." I couldn't really see his face because he wasn't facing me, but I could tell he had a faint blush on his cheeks. "Is that the reason why you were just standing that night" I asked, and he nodded.

"Do you remember anything?" he shakes his head "a little bit but when I try to remember all of it, I get dizzy." I stood up and went closer to him ruffling his hair "then don't there's no reason to remember, okay?" I spoke. I thought of something to make for him, maybe it can work?

I left him there for a bit and went to grab a couple of flowers like poppies, roses, daisies, tulips, alliums, lilac, lilies, and of course some dandelions. I started by breaking all of the stems placing them on the grass and taking some flower petals and putting them down on the other side.

I was making a flower crown which I think would really suits him, I made sure that the flowers were secured and wouldn't fall off giving them a bit of a shake before securing all of them with the last stem. I made my way again to Ranboo who was now laying on the grass, his eyes closed did he fall asleep?

I stood in front of him my shadow covering his face which made his eyes open, I smiled at him sitting next to him and ruffling his hair I couldn't stop doing that his hair is so fluffy. The crown still in my hands and placing it gently in his hair, "what's that?" he asked touching the crown that was now on his head. "For you" I said before taking it off his head and showing it to him, "it's pretty" he says "just like you..." he continued.

I chuckled at him "hopefully this helps you clear your mind whenever i'm not with you." I said while laying down next to him on his left, the sun instantly hitting my face making him sit up to cover me. We stayed like that for a bit, it was too peaceful that I fell asleep not knowing how tired I was.


Ranboo POV

I looked at her noticing that she fell asleep, her hair covering her face. I reached out to a flower near me it was an oxeye daisy breaking the stem to make it shorter and placing it on her ear, she looks like an angel. I smiled at the thought examining the flower crown she made for me, it was beautiful but not as beautiful as her. Different types of flowers were on it and was securely tied so that they wouldn't fall off, I placed it on my head, and it fits me perfectly.

I looked up at the sky noticing that it isn't that sunny anymore and soon it was getting darker, I can slightly feel the droplets of rain making a tingly sensation on my skin, I knew that we have to go.

I gently placed my hand under her back and legs carrying her bridal style, looking at her still fast asleep before I can teleport, I heard a rustling behind one of the trees that made my hair stand. I didn't bother turning around quickly teleporting us out of there, after a few times of teleporting I've reached the house and went inside. The rain immediately started pouring down even thought it was only afternoon it was dark, and fog was covering the air, it gave off an eerily vibe.

I shrug it off turning my attention back to what was in front of me, some were seated down on the couch while the others on the floor next to the fireplace. "Where did you guys go?" Techno asked, "to the flower forest" I replied walking to the couch her still in my arms "she asleep?" Niki asked and I nodded.

The others scooted a bit making space for us, I placed her down to Niki's lap before going upstairs saying that I'll be sleeping for a bit leaving her with them.

I plopped down on the bed my face on the pillow until I heard the door open signaling someone came to the room, I looked to my side it was Tubbo now lying next to me. "What's that on your head" he asked, I forgot that I still have the crown on my head I took it off placing it in Tubbo's hand "y/n made it for me" I said relieved that it was still fine.

"Aww It's pretty, I want one" he says making a sad face "don't worry Tubbo next time I'll make one for you when we go there." I said before closing my eyes feeling him hug me and I hug him back, both of us falling asleep.



If you don't cuddle with the homies, are you really homies??

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