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I started to think I was being set up. I was furious. Ja'Zaye said she didn't know who would make the drop, was she lying? Was Mitch trying to sabotage me? Were they working together? I brain trying to figure this out and I don't even know where to start.

I tossed and turned the rest of the night, talking myself out of calling the number back. I couldn't help but to keep replaying Mitch's voice saying "I want to help you." Was this his plan from day one? Did he recruit me? I couldn't wait to meet up with Ja'Zaye.

The next morning after first count, I met Ja'Zaye outside of chow hall to go to laundry.
I wasn't sure how to approach the situation but I was damn sure not going to play myself.

"Good morning." She said as she approached me.

"Good morning." I replied with a smile.

"Let's go get this money."

"Lead the way."

We started walking down the hall and she instructed me to just stay close. My knees started to tremble, I was literally wearing my anxiety. I didn't know what to expect but I needed to find out.

"Hey, Ja'Zaye?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"The guy. You know, the caller? Do you know him?"

"No! It's usually just a random. These crooked a** cops know who we are but they protect themselves by not telling us who they are."

"So, its guards who bring this stuff in?"

"Yeah! How'd you think it get this far?"

"I don't know. So, is it one guard?"

"No, they rotate. Like a job."

"So, you're not sure who will deliver? How do you know who to trust?"

"I don't! What's with all the questions? You trying to film a documentary?" She joked.

"No, I'm just curious. That's all."

"Okay well be curious about that laundry cart and let's get this out of here."

We loaded the box into the cart, it was small but surprisingly heavy. We headed back to the dorm. Once inside the dorm, we went back to Ja'Zaye's cell. She closed the door and pulled out a phone and sent a cash-app of $400.

"$400?" I asked in shock.

"You have to spend money to make money."

She proceeded to open the box and I was surprised at some of the items that were inside.

Things were inside that I didn't expect at all. Things like seasonings, fingernail Polish and small tubes of lotions.

"I wasn't expecting this."

"What's that?"

"Normal things."

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know, phones. Cigarettes, maybe?" Definitely not this."

She started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I questioned.

"Pay close attention!" She said.

I looked. The seasonings were actually not seasonings but filled with pills. The fingernail Polish is for inhalants and the lotions were filled with a powder that Ja'Zaye referred to as "fortune hit " She said because one hit costs a fortune." My mind was blown. She told me she didn't sell drugs.

Desire 2: CagedWhere stories live. Discover now