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My heart was broken. Why is this man so dedicated to making my life hell? I cried and cried. The phone sat beside me. I could hear my mom calling my name. I couldn't speak, I just sat curled up with head held down.

"Come on." I heard as I lift my head up to see a hand reaching out to me. I looked up to see Mitch looking at me with pity. I grabbed his hand as he helped me up. Tears continued to fall as he wrapped his arm underneath mine to crutch me.

"Let's get you back to your cell."

He walked me back to my cell and placed me on my bunk. He stood there and watched me cry.

"I know it may sound crazy but that Bible helps. That's why I gave it to you."

Hearing him say that, made me angry. I shouted at him

"THIS?" I questioned pulling the Bible from under my bunk. "TAKE THIS SHIT. IT MEANS NOTHING! I assured him while ripping the pages. I took what was left and threw it at him, not giving a damn what would happen. He backed out of the cell and walked away.

I looked around my cell hoping to find sheets to combine together. "I can't do this anymore." I cried while gasping for air.

Rayna rushed into the room

"OH MY GOD!"  she screamed as she ran over to me trying to sharpen the end of my toothbrush as I'd seen other inmates do but this was for me.

"Oh, girl!" She cried as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Rayna, why me? I'm so tired. I don't want to fight anymore. I am tired." I cried.

"I know. I know. What's going on? Is baby girl okay?"

"HE GOT HER! He took her, Rayna"

"Oh my GOD. Girl, I'm so sorry." She said.

She held me in her arms on the floor in the corner of our cell. I felt like a hopeless kid. I laid my head in her lap as she rubbed her hand through my hair, just as my mother would when I was a child. She hummed as she held me. My mom said her mom would. Rayna was nurturing me and for the first time since being in here, I could feel love.

Desire 2: CagedWhere stories live. Discover now