"yeah, i concur." rebecca said.

"compass." nancy asked as dustin grumpily passed it to her.

"hey, there you go." steve said tossing dustin his backpack.

"ow." dustin said.

steve pushed the canoe into the water before getting in.

"you said four." dustin said.

"sorry." steve replied.

"bedtime at nine, kiddos. miss you already." robin said to them as she waved.


"whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. slow down, guys." nancy said once the compass started to go crazy.

robin and eddie stopped rowing the canoe and they all saw the compass going in circles really fast.

"whoa." steve said.

"guys, what's going on? come on, guys. talk to me. what's going on?" dustin asked over the cerebro.

"uh, dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital aah!" robin said.

they all turned when they saw steve taking his socks off.

"steve, what are you doing?" nancy asked.

"somebody's gotta go down there and check this thing out. unless one of your four can top being a hawkins high swim co captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then... it's gotta be me. no complaints, all right?" steve said looking over at rebecca.

she wasn't going to lie, she didn't wanna see steve get hurt. she still cared about him more than she cared about most people.

"hey, i'm not complaining. i do not wanna go down there." eddie said.

rebecca saw steve take off his shirt and she felt herself linger a little longer than she should have.

eddie grabbed a plastic bag and wrapped it over a flashlight so steve could use it underwater.

"hey. good luck." eddie said to him.

"thanks." steve said tossing him his sweater.

eddie tried lighting himself a cigarette until robin took it from his and threw it in the water.

"gross." robin said.

"steve? be careful." rebecca told him.

he looked back at her and gave her a little smile, nodding his head. he dove into the water and everyone waited anxiously for him to return.

robin was looking at rebecca, she had noticed that rebecca glared at shirtless steve. she wanted them to get back together.

"where we at, wheeler?" robin asked.

"closing in on a minute." nancy replied.

"okay." robin said letting out a breath.

"come on, steve." rebecca said quietly.

when steve came back to the surface, everyone got startled.

"christ!" eddie shouted.

"i found it." steve said.

rebecca had never been so relieved to see someone come up from a lake.

"you found it?" nancy asked him.

"i found it. yeah. i found it." steve replied.

"dustin, you are a goddamn einstein. steve found the gate." robin said over the cerebro.

"it's pretty wild. it's more of a snack size gate than the mama gate, but still, it's pretty damn big." steve said.

suddenly, steve got pulling into the water by something but he hung onto the canoe. everyone looked at steve and then he got dragged back down into the water.

"steve!" everyone shouted.

"steve! steve!" they all shouted.

"no! no! no! what the hell was that man?" eddie asked.

"nancy, really, what happened?" robin asked.

"oh, god. oh, my god." rebecca said processing what just happened.

"jesus!" eddie shouted.

rebecca didn't give it a second thought, she stood up and prepared herself to jump in.

"wait, wait, wait. you're not going in there, are you?" eddie asked her.

"i have to. he wouldn't be down there if it wasn't for me." rebecca said before diving into the water.

"no, no, no, rebecca!" nancy said.

"rebecca!" robin and eddie shouted.

nancy decided that she wasn't going to wait around until her friends were dead. she was going to help them.

"just wait here." nancy said before diving in after them.

"no, nancy!" robin shouted.

"nancy! goddamn it." eddie shouted.

rebecca swam down as fast as she could possible go until she saw the gate.

meanwhile, robin was getting ready to go down to save her friends.

"no, no, no, no, no, no. what are you doing? she said wait." eddie told her.

"yeah, i heard her." robin replied.

"she's in charge." eddie reminded her.

"are you kidding me? i made that shit up." robin said before holding her nose.

"don't you go. don't you- goddamn it." eddie said once robin fell back into the water.

"son of a bitch! oh, this is so stupid. this is so stupid. this is so stupid. shit! shit! shit!" eddie said before he dove into the water himself.

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