spiderman360: why don't you just go and kill yourself, b****. no one likes you

gr8gamer: @.spiderman360 i agree

phangirlforever11111: You're trying to steal Dan from the Phandom, UGH!!!

danosaur5everxx: yeah, um who are you?!?!? get away from dan >:(((

You look in dismay at your laptop, your shoulders slumping a bit. You had expected that there would be hate comments on it - it's unavoidable, really - but you weren't mentally prepared for them. You knew some of Dan and Phil's viewers would be overprotective.

You decide to ignore YouTube and give your mind a rest from obsessing over the negative comments. You look away from your laptop and lie back onto the sofa cushion, shutting your eyes and exhaling slowly. It's been a long day.

Throughout this, Dan and Phil have been talking about their radio show, making plans for it. Once you lie back in defeat, they stop talking.

"Hey," Dan says softly, his tone gentle and concern filled. "What's wrong?"

You hesitate. "I sound like such a wimp, but I just looked at the video comments..."

"Were there some negative ones?" Phil asks caringly with an understanding look.

You nod silently, looking into his comforting blue eyes. His gaze feels like a warm hug as he gives you a small smile.

"If anything anybody says upsets you, you can just block them straight away and they'll never be able to contact you again," he reassures.

"Exactly," Dan says. "It's hard to deal with at first, but people who say mean things about you are probably dealing with their own insecurities, and it's just their way of letting out all their built up anger."

The dismayed feeling you have is very quickly diminished by their kind words. "Thank you," you say sincerely. "That really helped."

"Any time," Phil replies, with a hint of a smile. Dan says nothing, regarding you with his warm brown eyes and smiling too. He breaks eye contact with you and points at the screen.

"Look, you're getting loads of likes!"

Sure enough, the like count is gradually rising and more positive comments are appearing. You feel a sense of pride upon seeing that people actually enjoy your video.

"They're going to love you," Dan says - so quietly that you can barely hear it. You get a fluttery feeling in your stomach again.

"Would you like to watch Buffy?" Phil asks you. "The Vampire Slayer," he adds as an afterthought. "It's really good, I promise."

"I can agree with that," Dan says with a chuckle. "Me and Phil have been watching it occasionally. It's a blast from the past."

a/n: just a note, if i write 'me and phil' in dan's speech, it's because i think he would say that more often than using 'phil and i'. it's a little character thing that makes it more realistic, i think!

"I'd love to," you reply eagerly, closing the lid of your laptop and setting it on the coffee table as Phil gets up from the sofa and starts to search through the DVDs.

You lean back, and find yourself not lying completely flat against the sofa cushion, but partly on someone's arm. You jerk forward in surprise and look behind you, seeing Dan moving his arm back to his side and looking somewhat embarrassed.

"Sorry!" you say hurriedly, feeling bad for causing his embarrassment. You pause for a moment, considering your next sentence. You lower your voice and start speaking again. "I didn't mind, it just surprised me."

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now