what could have done this?

571 16 4

Me: "speaking" [thinking]

Luffy pov

I was the first one up, for some reason I wasn't hungry, [am I still full from that boar?]. I stood up and placed Monowasure with Zoro, Zoro looked so peaceful. then all of a sudden I remembered the forehead kiss he gave me last night, my face turned red and I walked out of the cave.

I stood in the sunlight, it was warm. the birds chirped and danced, the more I looked at them I started to realize that they were very different from the birds I'm used to. I look over to see a male peacock, instead of him being mainly blue he was black and white, with a little blue at the base of his tail. I found him quite pretty, stars formed in my eyes as I watched the bird dance. 

I look up from the peacock to the feeling I'm being watched. It was the same feeling I got when I saw that animal last night, only it was way scarier, as I didn't know where the animal was. I had no idea what it was, so I don't know how I should react. All of a sudden I hear a bunch of cow sounds, I run off in the direction of the sounds. after about 3 minutes I reach a grass field, there were a bunch of purple cows with yellow markings, the problem was that all of them were dead, some didn't have heads, some were cut in half, heck, I even found some that had their guts ripped out. I looked at all the dead cows [what could have done this? these cows look 20x bigger than the average cow, so what is big enough to kill them?] I stood there in the middle of the blood-plated grass that was the field. 

After 4 minutes of thinking about what the hell could have killed such a big animal, I had a closer look at the cow's meat. [maybe I can bring some of it back with me]. I look over to see normal sea birds pecking away at the meat, not even 3 seconds later they all drop dead. I blinked 3 times [yeah no, let's look for something else to eat]. I stood up and started to walk back to the cave, and yet again I can feel the same feeling. the feeling someone or something is watching my every move.

me: hello! I'm very proud of myself, 2 chapters in one day! yay! anyway, see ya!

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