With the others

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Me: hello! "speaking" 

Sanji pov

I was in the main kitchen cooking, I was meant to cook for the whole village, which is quite easy since there are only 78 people that live here. I look out the window to see Chopper fast at work, he is a very good doctor and I can see why Luffy wanted him on our crew so badly. I looked over at Nami, Nami was wearing only a bra and shorts as it was hot outside and she was building. For some reason, I stopped liking girls, even Nami! I have no idea why. I look down and started cooking some more rice. I looked out the window that was in front of the stove, I saw Usopp turn the corner, he was wearing only his pants. I blushed hard, but why? I don't like Usopp, do I?

me: sorry to interrupt... this story is for Zoro x Luffy, but when we focus on the others, it will be Sanji x Usopp, sorry if you hate the ship, but yeah...continue.

Chopper pov

I was running around helping whoever was hurt, almost everyone was hurt. I knew Sanji was hard at work, same with Nami and Usopp. I still had 30 people left to go, each having a different wound. 

Nami pov

I was helping Usopp build the houses, soon we needed to fix their farms. I never thought Usopp would be good at building houses, like Really good! Usopp and I started working on the biggest house together and he already finished half of it! "wow Usopp your good!" I yell from one part of the house, "thanks!" I hear him yell back.

Usopp pov

I smiled at the compliment that Nami gave me. I continued to build a brick wall, it didn't take me very long at all really. I then moved on to the kitchen, then did all their plumbing. I was quite happy with my work.

me: hello! hope you enjoyed this chapter! see ya soon!

word count: 329

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