🩸Chapter 11: R̵̝̟̼͌̉̈́ḯ̴͉̝̽̀ç̴̜̀k̶̢̫͉̉̿̏À̴̱s̸̢̬͉͋̄͘t̷͖̄͋͗l̷̨̬͔̏̐e̵̼̟̥̕y̶̯͂̌̈́🩸

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June 29, 2022, 1:44 AM
Wheelersburg, OH
My bedroom...

(1st POV)

That was me screaming in the middle of night. Yeah, I think I might have awakened everyone in my house from my 200dB scream.

What exactly happened? Well, I might have had a nightmare.

So what, you may ask? Everyone gets nightmares at some point in their lives, whether it be a kid or adult.

Even war veterans and shrine maidens will get nightmares. However, my nightmare feels a little too real to be a 'simple' nightmare.

"(Y/N)?" The first one to respond to me was Taihou.

She was wearing phoenix-themed pajamas, and her hair was a mess, probably from me getting her awakened too suddenly.

Soon, the other girls entered my room, all with worrying faces.

"I'm fine, I just had a nightmare," I nonchalantly replied.

I was not fine. My nightmare was too frequent, and each one scarier than the last.

My first nightmare was since my sister Mei was killed that fateful night, I feared that I might get kidnapped and killed as well, considering my prominent past as the Head Guuji Shrine Kitsune of one of the largest shrines in Japan.


"No, stop! Stay away from me!" I screamed in terror, my back pinned to the wall.

My shrine maiden clothes are shredded from that killer who killed Sister Mei. His face is unmistakeable to me, but imperceptible to others. My body is already covered in bruises, cuts, stab wounds, and blood, lots of blood.

One region on my body that received particularly acute damage is the area between my legs. I was kicked so many times there that I can't walk properly from the enormous pain I had to endure.

"Oh come on, Josephi. You know you'll love it. Just come with me and I promise you a great time," the man sneered while giving me a lustful stare that pierced me.

Despite my condition, and the fear I'm having, I can't let him have me as his.

"No, no, no, I'll never go with you. Ayaka and Akagi will find me and get you arrested for what you did to me," I shouted, which came out as a whimper.

Unfortunately, my attacker seemed angry at this and pulled a knife. Seeing what he was going to do, I screamed out for anyone nearby to save me.

No one did, and I suddenly felt the cold metal blade slice into my chest, and I can feel myself falling and colliding with the ground.



"Why... why do you have to kill me and my sister..." I groaned, coughing out blood.

My killer looks at me emotionlessly.

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: A Human's Lines of FateWhere stories live. Discover now