Chapter 13: Angels with guns in my sleep...

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July 1, 2022, 11:23 AM
Wheelersburg, OH
Somewhere in my house...

(Taihou POV)
I woke up feeling so tired for some reason. Deciding to look for (Y/N) to ask about this, I got dressed and went to his bedroom, only to remember that he's downstairs on the couch, after what happened yesterday.

"Right... I forgot he's downstairs. I really hope he's ok-" I began...


...before hearing a loud crashing sound, followed by some sort of weird warped sounds.

Wondering if (Y/N) did something, I went to investigate.

Tiptoeing across the hallway, I slowly descended down the stairs only to see...

(Y/N) unconscious and getting moe-lested by teenage girls with halos? Am I seeing this correctly?

As I headed towards them, they were surprised to see me, perhaps because they have never seen me before, but they got defensive as I attempt to 'save' Darling from them.

"(Y/N)! Get away from my darling, you thief!" I shouted as I attempt to fish him out of the pile.

"No! You will not take my Lord away from me, nin-nin! Who even are you?" A girl who looks like she may be from the Sakura Empire- I mean, JAPAN, with the fox ears and fox tail, questioned me.

"What she said. Now get your dirty hands off my Darling, or I shall go ballistic with my bombs," another girl with a similar attire to the first fox-girl except with red and black color palette adds.


Oh wait, they have guns. Well this is bad- wait a second, I have my riggings activated thanks to Darling, so I should- actually, I'll blow up his home and everyone else here. Wouldn't want that to happen...

Grrr... this is so troublesome. I can't summon my rigging because I might blow up Darling's home and kill him, but he's getting taken by these kids with whatever is on their heads!

"...gawd, I really need to make a base in the Dreamworld to stop these situations from developing..." (Y/N) mumbled while rubbing his face.

Darling? Is he alright? Did something happen to him in the Dreamworld? Did those... kids... try anything funny to him? Oh god, please no...

What exactly happen, though, in the Dreamworld, for him to say that?

≈Flashback several hours ago...≈

(No one's POV)
As everyone was asleep soundly, (Y/N) was getting up from his couch to get some midnight snack when a portal suddenly formed and sucked him in.

It was so fast he didn't even get a chance to scream for help before he disappeared into the great unknown- I mean the Dreamworld.


As (Y/N) woke up from being sucked into the Dreamworld for the how-many-times-this-month, fully expecting Sakura to show up, he instead saw a massive beam being emitted far away in the horizon.

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: A Human's Lines of FateWhere stories live. Discover now