Chapter 4: Hostage Incident and Rescue Ops

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April 6, 2022, 11:34 AM
Wheelersburg, Ohio
My own house

(1st POV)
Today I woke up, seeing that Laffey, Javelin, Z23, and Ayanami were with me. Apparently they grabbed me as their body pillow in their sleep, guestimating from how snuggled they are while holding me. I was scared by this as I want no FBI agents breaking down my doors.

"Girls, may you please get off of me? I'm not comfortable with 4 girls sleeping with me, grabbing my body please?" I asked.

With that, I manage to wake up the destroyers, all looking at me with a smile that says 'Must Protecc with my life!'

"Morning, (Y/N)-san. Your bed was so soft, like I was lying on a cloud," Javelin spoke, becoming more horny with each second.

"Javelin, please stop this. Sorry, but I never had such a great sleep. Thank you for letting us sleep with you, (Y/N)," Z23 responded.

"Laffey want more sleep, Laffey stay on bed," Laffey responded.

"I wonder how will I find the materials needed to make a bed like this. Yukikaze and the others would love this bed," Ayanami responded, with a tint of sadness.

I simply gave them all head pats and hugged them before suddenly receiving a severe headache. With that, I fell back on my bed, hearing them all shout my name.

"(Y/N)! Please, wake up!" - Javelin
"(Y/N)! What happened to him?" - Z23
"Did he suddenly fainted?" - Ayanami
"Zzzzzzz..." - Laffey
"LAFFEY! WAKE UP!" - youknowwho



I woke up to see a figure in a different world, though not so different from my own. I then saw the thing looking at me.

The first thing that I noticed was that there's numerous large forms surrounding the figure. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that one, the figure is a girl, and two the 'forms' are apparently large hologram arms. What? Arms?

I also noticed the girl is wearing a ridiculuously short kimono, in which *gulp* I can see her panties. Her clevage is also exposed, making this more awkward. Don't get aroused, Josephi. You served in the SEALs, you can do better than this.

I decided to approach the girl, who aparently isn't so flat-chested, and decided to try to get some answers.

"Who are you, and where am I? Why do you look so much like me?" I asked, cautious about the look-a-like.

"The first question isn't important to me, though for the second question, you are in the Dreamworld, a realm that your mind can manifest. During this period your real-world body will go limp. Enough talk though. What matters is that in the near future, there will be more visitors coming to your world," my alternate self said.

Wait... that voice? It sounded too boyish to be a girl. Now that I think about it, the 'girl' doesn't really have that much to her chest. It seems a bit... flat, even for a flat-chested female like Hipper or some girl that I remember. Gah, a trap? My head is going to collapse into a black hole, so I'm better off stop questioning these things.

"Visitors? What do you mean I'll have more visitors coming to my world?" I asked, confused.

"Those girls are only the start of a literal once-in-a-lifetime event in what I'd call The Collision. More will arrive, and those girls already in your massive house is simply the first wave of visitors. More visitors will appear in your house, mate," my alternate self said, a grin slowly forming on his face.

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