Chapter 5: Operation Memory Lane (1/2)

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This one will take a deeper analysis of Josephi's last as well as recent events in his life. Probably going to be my longest chapter.

So long I might split this into 2 parts. Ok?
April 7, 2022, 7:41 AM
Wheelersburg, Ohio
My own house

(1st POV)
I woke up to see Taihou sleeping on me, with her pillows on my face. Surprised by this, I tried to push Taihou away, though Taihou being a heavy armored big pillow carrier and me just an ordinary human, fat chance.

My attempts to push the carrier off of me resulted in Taihou waking up. Perhaps the recent rescue changed Taihou to where she became much more clingy, though not much of a yandere, thankfully.

"Good morning, (Y/N). I slept well today," Taihou replied to me.

She gave me a heartwarming smile that I never thought I'd see in years. Best of which, I don't sense any sort of yandere aura around her, so I gave her a warming hug in return.

"This is so not like Taihou of Azur Lane. I remember her being extremely obsessed with her Commander in the game, but perhaps my rescuing and comforting her changed something..." I thought to myself.

"Morning, Taihou. Let's get brushed and get some breakfast. Sounds like a plan?" I asked.

Taihou looked at me, sparkle in her eyes instead of the usual heart eyes.

"Yes! I wanted to try out your cooking, (Y/N)! May you please teach me?" Taihou asked, tugging on my arm.

I was starting to feel a bit nauseous from her constant tugging.

"Alright, just let me wake up the others, Taihou," I responded.

I got up and changed my pajamas, brushed my teeth, washed up my face, and went to wake the others up.

First, I went to the guest room, where I see the Yorktown Sisters, the Cleveland Sisters, Arizona and Laffey. I can see them all together asleep, in which I decided to do a funny move:

" *Screaming* Behold, my brand-new Kitchen Gun! BANG BANG BANG!"

Everyone jolted up, looking around. Once they saw me at the doorway, they looked confused.

"(Y/N)? Why are you in our room?" Enterprise replied.

"(Y/N)! Why did you scream at us? We were having a nice nap. Rude," Denver added, rubbing her eyes.

" *Yawns* Boring. I'm not leaving your bed. Too comfy. You'll have to drag me and my sisters off," Hornet replied.

Dang. Looks like I'll have to leave them there then. Off to the living room and repeat.

I proceeded to head downstairs and see the Akagi sisters with Kaga, the Takao sisters, the Shouaku sisters, Azuma, and Ayanami, all fast asleep. Nagato and Mutsu are not here though.

"Time to do the same thing as I did to the girls above," I said to myself.

I them proceed to do the funny:

" *Screaming* Behold, my brand-new Kitchen Gun! BANG BANG BANG!"

This once again has the intended effect of waking them all up. Unfortunately, it went a bit too well.

Akagi, Kaga, and Amagi all bashed their heads together, earning them a relatively nasty bruise.

Shoukaku, Zuikaku, Atago, Takao, and Azuma all fell off the couch, ending with Zuikaku on the bottom of the pile. Meanwhile, Ayanami screamed in terror, thinking they're being attacked.

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