Chapter 23.5: Meanwhile... (Not-So-Slight Fix)

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Yes, I thought it'd be a good idea to provide like a butterfly effect of what happened since the 'Singularity' event that brought the chosen gacha characters to (Y/N)'s world (AKA our IRL pathetic excuse of reality)

I half-assed this one, changing different POVs, I think. I don't know anymore.

Enjoy :)

(Author POV)
While (Y/N) is having an episode of 'Running Away from the Ara-Ara monsters as a Smol Kid thanks to not being reverted back to normal size', what is happening in the other worlds, considering that the timeline now is fucked up?

"Gee... thanks a lot, Author Kun-tee."

Huh, who's that talking shit about me? Oh well, whatever...

To begin, let's peer into the AL Universe, where after the disastrous Midway Shenanigans and the surprise hurricane buttsecks- I mean, hurricane that surprised everyone involved and ruined everything fun, the survivors headed back to their respective island ports, but now minus several of their friends.

*Camera pans to the AL Base in Hawaii? *

Here, we can see the Essex Sisters (minus Essex), the Illustrious Sisters (minus Illustrious and Unicorn

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Here, we can see the Essex Sisters (minus Essex), the Illustrious Sisters (minus Illustrious and Unicorn...), as well as some other US/GB shipgirls that I can't bother naming because I forgot the names again, greeting the Midway Fleet... or what was left of it.

The Commander was also there, who immediately noticed the severe lack of key shipgirls, such as the Yorktown Sisters, the entire Cleveland Series, as well as the two starter destroyers that we players recognize.

Also, those who survived the ordeal suffered unnatural injuries, such as lacerations that are seemingly infused with some sort of magical energy, blood splatters that are colored a light shade of purple, bits of what appears to be shards of glass embedded in their bodies, etc.

All in all, not good, which means that when Vestal, the Commander's Secretary, arrived at the docks, she was absolutely livid upon seeing the injuries sustained in battle.

And people who know Vestal knows a bad day when they see her in a bad mood:

"Now can you all explain to me WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE? Why are all of you injured like THAT?" Vestal shouted in anger.

Apparently, she was carrying a syringe that she was administering to a sick Manjuu when she got word that the main fleet returned with substantial, possibly critical injuries, and groaned by the prospects of the extra work, especially the Grey Ghost, infamous for constantly neglecting herself.

Oh, what will she be in for a surprise...

As Vestal stares at the returning shipgirls, she noticed that the Grey Ghost was missing, as well as other missing key shipgirls.

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