Chapter 5: Operation Memory Lane & Modernizations (2/2)

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April 7, 2022, [ERROR]
The Dreamworld
Somewhere in Nevada...

(1st POV)
"Well... girls, welcome to the moment that I became a SEAL," I spoke proudly.

It was several seconds of silence.

Then Taihou spoke up. I motioned for her to speak.

"So, you signed up to be an aquatic animal? That's interesting," Taihou asked.

"So, you signed up to be an aquatic animal? That's interesting," Taihou asked

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I felt my pride shattered by that one statement. I can feel myself slowly losing consciousness from Taihou's soul-piercing shot, but she caught me, bridal style.

Yes, bridal style. I'm carried in Taihou's arms, with everyone looking at me, some with worry, some with laughter, most though confused.

Let's say my pride was in the event horizon of the black hole.

"Did I say something I shouldn't have said? (Y/N)? Can you please respond to me?" Taihou asked me.

"Let's say yes. And no, I'm not becoming an aquatic animal. Any of you even know what SEALs are?" I asked, still bridal carried by the armored clingy large pillows carrier.

The T-Dolls nodded, while the shipgirls shook their heads.

"Well, you're in for an extensive history lesson on the SEALs. Note some of the information can be sensitive, so don't say I didn't warn you," I cautioned.

I decided to explain the concept of SEALs, from their birth on January 1, 1962, and their purpose in warfare. Ranging from their early days of enemy infiltration to coastal warfare to reconnaissance & sabotage to combatting in a wide array of environments, SEALs are clearly meant to take the most dangerous of missions, which demands the best of the best soldiers.

SEALs gained traction in the Vietnam War, where their unconventional warfare tactics earned them national recognition for their heroism in battle. More funding to the SEAL program allowed for more effective training and equipment.

The SEALs have been deployed in various conflicts, from the Iran-Iraq War in 1987, the invasion of Panama of 1990, the Persian Gulf War of 1990, the Somalia crisis if 1992, the 20- year shitshow called the War on Afghanistan from 2001 to 2021, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the ongoing Operation Enduring Freedom, and most recognizably the death of Al-Qaeda/ISIS leader Osama Bin Laden.

I explained the training regimen that SEALs-in-training experiences, which was so brutal and so lengthy that some of the girls covered their ears and eyes in shock.

Once I finished, I then stopped to look around. The T-Dolls were nodding at me, surprised but grateful that I knew so much about the SEALs. The shipgirls, on the other hand, were shocked by the apparently dark and violent history of the supposedly best special forces warriors on Earth.

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