Prologue 2: Metal Storm's Disappearance (Slight Fix)

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October 29, 2063, 1:19 PM
Operation Shadow Rescue

[Ow...what happened? Where am I- hey, why can't I move my arms? They're pinned to my back! I can't move my legs as well! I can't even speak! What happened to me?]

I looked at myself, and I realized that first thing, it seems like I was kneeling, and I can't force myself up. I looked around, and I see that two poles are besides me, with rope wrapped around said poles, with several ropes leading to me.

I also noticed that there's some sort of chain that was embedded into the left pole, in which only then I realize that there's a collar on me, thus the sensation that there's something weighing me down.

Next thing that I notice: A LOT of rope were tightly wrapped around me, preventing any movement of my arms tied to my back. As if my peril wasn't bad enough, my legs were also tied together, preventing any leg movement.

To top it off, even if I were somehow able to free myself, in which the chances right now are zero, I don't have my battle rifle with me, meaning if I were spotted escaping, I can't defend myself.

[Dang it, there's too many rope, I can't even breathe properly. How in the world am I even able to escape from this? My arms are tied behind me, my legs are tied together, I'm chained to a pole, and I'm drooling, ugh. My clothes are ripped as well! Can't this day get any worse?]

I breathed out in despair, knowing that I was going be killed by Sangvis personnel sooner or later, when suddenly I heard walking.

I braced myself, preparing for the worst, when I suddenly heard suppressed gunshots.

The door to the room I was restrained in opened, and an unknown person walked in with an AWM, though the decal was...interesting.

I saw the person looking around before laying eyes on me, in which he immediately looked away, his face red from embarrassment

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I saw the person looking around before laying eyes on me, in which he immediately looked away, his face red from embarrassment.

After a while, he slowly walked to me, and pulled out a knife. I tried to plead for help, but I forgot my mouth was covered.

I closed my eyes, anticipating a painful death, when nothing happened. I opened my eyes, and suddenly I can feel myself carried out.

I saw the unknown soldier carrying me in his arms, making sure to hold me tightly, so that I don't fall, it seems. I felt myself blush from this, and I can see that the unknown soldier has the same eye color as me.

Coincidence. I tried to hold onto his chest, but I can't move my arms still. When I tried to get his attention, though, I found myself speaking, which surprised me.

"What the- wait, I can talk now? But why aren't you cutting off these ropes tying me up here, mister? Who sent you on a rescue mission, mister? Are you going to do bad things to me? I don't want to be the target of bad things by you-"

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