The Full Reworked Bio (Sort of...)

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Name: Josephi '(Y/N)' Shinano
Birthplace: Ise Grand Shrine, Ise
Birthday: May 19, 2002?
Nickname(s): 'Dreamworld Kitsune'
Age: 23
Height: Your choice
Gender: Male
Species: Human/Dreamwaker Kitsune
Nationality: Japanese American

Looks (Present Day):
The most average looking dude ever on the planet; not athletic, not overweight. Has black hair, average eyes, something... though something seems different...

Personality: Extremely cold, almost emotionless to anyone you encounter, thanks to your trauma from 'losing your sister Mei Shinano' & your brief time as a SEAL. However, very rarely, you may exhibit emotion to your girls or your 2 best friends, such as sadness, confusion, embarassment, etc.

You are quite dense, mainly as your years as a head shrine miko made you oblivious to the internet's dark secrets, so perverted stuff like hentai and 'nuclear launch codes' are alien to you, only knowing about it during your SEAL years.

As time went on, you slowly start to learn the comcept of human emotion, so there are times where your stone-cold heartless self will leak out. You're trying, though, so that counts for some points, right?

Likes: Video games, anime, robots, drawing, cosplaying, idol singing/dancing, kitsunes & foxes, kitsune udon noodles/tofu, real/fictional shrine maidens, lavender

Loves: The anime 'The Helpful Fox Senko-San', his newfound love for the otherworldly entities, musical artist Virtual_Riot, Taihou, FAL, Kosaka Wakamo, Paimon

Dislikes: People who are deliberately cruel to others, people who use others for personal gain, people who accuse him of stuff that he isn't, people who mention his past and/or his sister, being forced to wear female clothing of all types, Among Us

Despises: Imbeciles who hurts his otherworldly girls in whatever method, the Geneva Convention, any form of politics, anyone who mentions about his rather dark past

How (Y/N) is referred to by:
The Azur Lane shipgirls: (Y/N) Senpai
The GFL T-Dolls: Master (Y/N)
The Blue Archive Mystic Angels: (Y/N) Sensei
The Genshin Impact Cast: Outlander (Y/N)
TF Azur Frontier: Josephi "Yamashi" Shinano

(Names may vary a little)

[Mystic Dreamworld Kitsune Form]

"It's unknown who (Y/N) really is... or what his past is...sometimes, he seems like a really innocent and adorable child, and other times he's the most dangerous and ruthless horny closet pervert fox you'll ever meet in the flesh."

"However, his powers... and his ungodly strength... It makes you wonder, is he... A god of some sort? Like it's impossible to manifest an entire virtual world and stuff..."

"Also, what the fuck is that clothing- and are those real fox ears? And are those tails even real? And if so, are they fluffy and soft?"

-Enty & Solar, describing Josephi Shinano.

[Active Abilties]
These abilities are to be used offensively/defensively. Some are restricted to be used in certain circumstances.

Dreamworld Deployment - Summon the Dreamworld Realm at will. While in the realm, you and your allies gain 200% increase in all stats.

Heavy Spiritual Plasma Barriers - You deploy several barrier to protect yourself 'and your virginity' from enemies 'and horny girls and boys who look at you lustfully.' The barriers can absorb a total damage equivalent of 460 MIRVs. (Only usable in Dreamworld)

Kitsune's Offensive Blessings - With a simple touch, you provide various buffs to allies. Hugging the ally gives stronger buffs: +35% Dmg boost, +25% speed boost, and 50% Dmg Resistance compared to +10% Dmg boost and +7.5% speed boost. Regardless, the ally heals for 25% of your max HP. (Only usable in Dreamworld)

Kitsune's Defensive Blessings - With a simple touch, you provide various buffs to allies. Hugging the ally gives stronger buffs: +75% DMG Resistance, 35% HP Regeneration, and 35% increased speed, compared to +35% DMG Reaistance, 15% HP Regeneration, and 15% increased speed. Regardless, the ally receives 20 seconds of temporary Anti-Jamming Support, which prevents LockDown, Damage Suppression, Corrosion, EMP, and Blind. (Only usable in Dreamworld)

Heavenly Strike Tails - Weaponizing your tails, you slam into the ground, creating shockwaves that paralyzes enemies. Enemies actually hit by the tails take quadruple damage. (Only usable in Dreamworld)

Dreamweaver Fox Arsenal- You deploy your flame spirits as radiation flamethrowers that deal heavy damage to enemy personnel, as well as irradiating targeted areas of land and ocean. (Only usable in Dreamworld)

Spiritual Dreamworld Singularity - Firing off a ball of antimatter, the target is trapped inside the bubble, in which you then slash the bubble with a hologram high-frequency plasma sword, shattering the bubble into thousands of tiny glass-like pieces. This move is an instant kill, but you lose consciousness if this ability is used too much.

[Passive Abilities]
These abilities are active at all times, regardless if you're in the Dreamworld or the Real world.

Yamashi Senses - Your 5 senses are greatly improved, allowing you to perceive, process and identify information faster than normal humans.

Kindling Regeneration - With the aid of spiritual green healing flames, you regenerate 1% of your HP every 45 seconds.

Reactive Plasma Resilience - You take much less damage from attacks than normal (85% less damage than others), with the exception of radiation weapons (+1,337% increased damage compared to other weapon types. Make what you will of that).

The Enduring Kitsune - For every 1% HP lost below 70%, you gain a stack. Once the full 40 stacks are obtained, you gain a series of bonuses:

- Instantly restore 75% HP
- Regenerate 1% HP every second
- Gain 50% DMG resistance to all types
- Gain 50% increased Evasion
- Permanent Anti-Jamming Support

Note: He'll rarely, if ever, use them, since using them against regular humans is massive overkill, and excessive use of said abilities in the overworld might bring unwanted attention...

(Edited October 10, 2022: Considerable changes for more consistency & overall to remove less clutter)

(Edited September 6, 2023: Complete overhaul of Biography)

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