Chapter 35

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Skye's POV

After hearing my best friend uttered the words I love you, my heart began to race.


He. Loves. Me.

I didn't expect him to say that out loud. I like him, but I'm not sure about love.

Do I love him?

All the times I thought he was acting strangely toward me suddenly made sense. Since flirting came naturally to him, I honestly believed he might be the same way to any other girl.

He's been flirting with me lately, and while I initially thought it was strange, I eventually grew to like it.

A lot.

Now what?

Are we still best friends?

Are our feelings for each other going to change everything?

And what about Jungkook?

I've only known him recently but I developed feelings for him too.

Yen's advice suddenly came to mind. Maybe if I go on a date with Jimin, I'll see who I like more?

"Kitten?" Jimin's voice appeared.

I was talking to myself so much that I forgot what I was going to say to him.


"You said you were thinking about me... is it a positive thing or?" I can hear the hesitance in his voice.

I'm not sure if it is a positive thing to like my best friend and another person at the same time and to contemplate which one I will like more.


What has my love life turned to?

A soap opera?

"I'm confused," I said, honestly.

"Confused about what? About my feelings or yours?"

"Both. I never expected us to develop these feelings and ruin our friendship, Jimin. I know there are times when I annoy you, but I only do that because I like it when you get mad and when you pout your lips, you look like a baby chick! I also like that you're always there for me, even when I don't say anything-"

My rambling was cut off by his soft lips against mine.

I could feel his arms snaking around my waist, holding me tight. We stayed that way for a few seconds.

To my heart, it didn't feel wrong to kiss my best friend, but my mind was telling me to pull away.

My instincts told me to listen to my brain, and so I did.

It was two against one, sorry heart.

"Jimin, I don't know if we should do this..."

"Why not?" He asked with a soft voice.

Because I like both you and Jungkook!

"Who do you like more then?"


Wait, did he hear my thoughts?

"Yes, and you're still thinking out loud," he said, chuckling.

"Well, shit."

"It's okay, at least now I definitely know that you like me back. That's all that matters." Rubbing his nose against mine, he started to kiss me again.

After a few seconds I pulled away and whispered, "I need to know who I like more."

"Huh?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I need to know who I like more," I repeated, loudly this time.

He asked me how, and I told him I didn't know myself. Then I remember Yen's advice to go out and date Jimin to see how I'll feel after.

"Well... ahmm... maybe we can..."

What is wrong with me? Why can't I just say that we should go on a date?


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What is it? What did you want to say?"

Go on a date with me.

See? Simple and easy. Why can't I say that?

Minutes passed by while I stared off into space, still keeping silent.

It felt as if we were in a staring competition, only I was staring into nothing while he was staring at me.

"Earth to Skye." He waved his hand in front of me, shaking me off my trance, "You okay?"

"I think we should go on a date..." My voice was so low the ones who could probably hear me were crickets.


I repeated it once again but he still didn't hear me.

"Go on a date with me!" I yelled, closing my eyes out of embarrassment.

"Did you just ask me out?" He chuckled.

I nodded sheepishly.

"Well, that was fast. Not that I mind it, but why all of a sudden, kitten?"

"Because I need to know who I like more. It was Yen's advice, and if going on a date with you will help me realize that, I'll do it," I explained.

"You make it sound like you're forcing yourself. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do," he said.

"I'm not forcing myself, Jimin. I like you and I want to do this."

"Okay, let's go on a date. If that's the only way for you to realize that I'm the one who you should be with, then I will make it the best date you've ever had." Wrapping his arms around my waist, he continued to peck my ear down to my earlobe.

His lips grazing down my skin made me tingle in bliss. I closed my eyes in contentment and hummed while he softly kissed my neck.

I called for his name but he continued to kiss my skin. Out of nowhere, I felt him bite my neck.

"Ouch! The fuck? What are you a vampire?" I pulled away abruptly and touched the spot where he bit.

"And if I am, would you run away?" He smirked.

"Hell no, I would kick your ass and stab your heart."

He laughed out loud.

"I thought you would do something cliche like, spray me with pepper spray or something."

"That would only sting for a few seconds, which won't do much to your sadistic blood-sucking teeth," I replied.

He smirked and walked towards me slowly, reaching for my hand that was rubbing the spot from my neck where he bit.

"I'm sorry for biting you, kitten. But this hickey does look sexy on you," he remarked after leaning in and pecking my neck.

"Woah woah woah, if you bite me again, I'll bite you back and make it bleed," I warned.

He chuckled and whispered, "Oooh, now who's the sadistic one?"

"Whatever, at least I don't bite people out of nowhere."

"Touché." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and slightly pushed him away.

"Should we go back now? It's getting a little cold out here." Shivering, I hugged myself.

Jimin took off his jacket, making me wear it instead, then gave me a bear hug.

I noticed how intimate and mushy we've been since he confessed to me. And quite frankly, it's making me feel confused since this was the same way I felt when Jungkook asked me out on our first date.

Hugging him back, I laid my head on his shoulder, my thoughts and emotions feeling torn.

As I basked in my best friend's warm embrace, I heard someone coming up the stairs but also coming down quickly.

I wonder who that could be?

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