Chapter 8

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No one's POV

Skye and Yen squeezed themselves in among the other customers in front of the entrance door, some of them complaining.

"Hey! We were here first!"

"Hate to break it to you buddy but there's no line, which means we can cut through ya!" Skye said while pushing through to get closer to the entrance till their faces were almost squished on the glass door.

"Eeeeeeep! I can see the purse I've been wanting to have since forever!" Yen squealed jumping up and down.

Skye stretched her neck and looked around to see the limited converse high top she's been wanting to have.

"I can't see it!"

"Relax Skye, maybe it's not displayed to the front store. You need to get inside and look for it." Yen reminded her.

Sky sighed and nodded.

"Alright, but whatever happens I need to get it first, okay? You're going to help me find it, right?"

"Of course! Right after I get my purse!"

No! Someone might find it first if we go together to buy her purse.

Skye thought.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to split up. We'll meet at the food court."

"I'll come with you." Jimin suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Woah! When did you get here?" She asked stunned.

"Not too long ago." He shrugged.

"And you squeezed yourself in from all these people?" Yen asked.

"Yep, it's not that hard actually." He pointed out while brushing his hair up.

"Okay good. If you see a purple converse high top with an intricate design of a butterfly, grab it like your life depended on it, okay?" Skye looked determined which made Jimin chuckled.


He thought

"Yes, your majesty!" He bowed his head.

Skye rolled her eyes and giggled.

Yen looked at them weirdly.

"What is going on with these two?" She whispered to herself.
Skye noticed Yen's confused face.

"Yen? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I was just-"

"Dear shoppers, we are glad to announce that our crazy ten-minute sale will start in 10, 9, 8, 7,...."

"Hold that thought! Be ready!" Skye said with her determined face.

"... 2, 1"

The entrance door opened.

She pulled Yen and Jimin's wrist and went inside the mall as fast as she could, so did the other shoppers, eager to buy everything they can with an 80% discount.

When she saw the store that sells the converse, she let go of Yen's wrist.

"Remember, we'll meet at the food court!" she said racing to the store dragging Jimin along.

"Slow down! You're going to break my wrist!" Jimin complained.

She didn't listen to Jimin's complain and ran even faster when she saw that there were already two customers inside the store.

~ Inside the Shoe Store ~

Skye's POV

I'm in! Finally!

I looked around and saw those two customers eyeing the converse high tops.

Oh hell no!

"Hi!" I approached them and grabbed the shoes on top of the display as quickly as I can, much to their dismay.

"Ahmm we were gonna get those." One of them said raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah, now give it back!" The other girl wearing a pink blouse said and grabbed the shoes from my hands.

"No! It's not my fault you didn't grab it first!" I snatched it back.

We went back and forth snatching the shoes with one another.

"Girls, this isn't a game of tug of war. Whoever grabbed it first should be the one to buy it. That's the rule." The sales lady intervened.

"Me! It was me who had it first!" The girl with the pink blouse shouted.

"No, she only looked at it! I was the one who grabbed it first!" I protested.

"She's lying, Miss. Don't listen to her. My friend here, already had the shoes in her hands while this one, snatched it away like it's a rag doll." The other girl pointed at me.

I gasped and tried to tell the sales lady the truth but I was cut off by Jimin.

"Now now, I'm sure a pretty girl like you don't need that shoes to make you even prettier, right?" He said looking directly at the girl who's wearing the pink blouse and holding the shoes which I was also holding with all my might.

I looked at him like he was the most stupid person in the world.

"Excuse me, Sir. Are you also here to buy shoes?" The sales lady asked.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-yelled at him.

"I'm helping you get your shoes, duh!" He whispered back.

~ 10 minutes later ~

At last. The beautiful and limited converse high tops are now mine. Thanks to Jimin of course.

If he hadn't flirted and distracted that lying girl, we still would have been snatching these beautiful shoes back and forth until the ten-minute sale was over.

Now that would have been horrible.

I owe him one.

"So, what else did you bought?" Yen asked snapping me out of my thoughts while sipping her soda. We met here at the food court after the ten-minute sale was over.

"Some shorts and a hoodie, and of course, these!" I showed her my beautiful converse with all its glory.

"Wow, that's pretty cool!"

"I know, right?" I smiled proudly and admired the shoes even more.

Suddenly someone sat beside me and tapped my shoulder.

I looked at him and my eyes widen.


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