Chapter 28

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Jimin's POV

"Is Skye your date again, Jimin?" Yoongi smirked, looking at us in his car's rear view mirror.

When I gave him a warning look, he just laughed quietly and continued to focus on the road.

I turned my attention on Skye and it looked like she was murdering someone from her mind. The way she stares, no, glares at the back of Yoongi's seat concerns me. I took her hand gently and asked what's wrong.

"It's nothing." She mumbled and gave me a subtle smile.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and turned her head to the window.

I'm not going to press her to tell me what's bothering her right now since she doesn't seem comfortable with it. For now I'll just let it go till she's ready to tell me.

The rest of the drive was quiet and when we arrived I saw Taehyung waiting outside the gate with Yen.

Uh oh.

Those two left alone. Not a good idea.

"Finally! What took you guys so long? It's getting chilly outside." Yen complained.

"I offered to wear my jacket but you declined." Taehyung pointed it out.

"I'd rather freeze than take your jacket, thank you very much." She rolled her eyes and grabbed Skye's arm.

"Nope," I held her waist and pulled her closer to my side. "Sorry Yen, but she's my date tonight."

"Bringing dates aren't required anymore, right?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

"It still is, Hobi's rules." I shrugged.

"Shit! I didn't bring any." Taehyung looked around for a while then his eyes stopped on Yen.

"Oh please, it's enough that I had to wait with you here outside, let alone be your fucking date." Yen grimaced and folded her arms.

"Let's just go in and have fun. It's not like Hobi's going to ask who our dates are anyway." Skye pushed both Taehyung and Yen towards the gate.

"Thanks for driving us!" I called out to Yoongi, who was already inside the car about to drive away. He nodded then told me he'll pick us up later. The security guards let us through the gates and I immediately heard the noise from the party.

This sure is Hoseok's party since people are already wilding out.

"Aye! Let's party! Whoop whoop!" Taehyung jumped up and down then dragged Yen's wrist towards the door.

"What the hell?! I'm not your date! Let go of me this instant, Kim Taehyung!" Tae brushed aside her protests and continued to drag her inside.

I heard Skye giggled and I chuckled with her. "Those two are really something, huh?"

She nodded and I took her hand in mine and led us inside.

Skye's POV

When Jimin and I entered, I couldn't see Yen nor Taehyung. The party was in full swing. Everyone was dancing and having fun. Some of our schoolmates were here and random people I don't know. I was looking through all of them till I spotted someone.

A familiar face that I've known for the past two weeks.

The one who took me out on an adventurous date.

𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant