Chapter 29

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Skye's POV

I never thought there would come a time when I would curse an empty bottle of sprite. Why you may ask?

Because I had to choose between twerking in the middle for everyone to see or to smell someone's sock for ten seconds. It was Hobi's amazing dares.

Ugh! Why do you have to stop in front of me?! Why, bottle?!

If I could vaporize this stupid green bottle in front of me, I would've done it in a heartbeat.

"So, which dare do you choose?" Hoseok asked, grinning.

I guess I'll just pick the latter.

"Who's sock am I smelling?" I asked bitterly.

Jungkook leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Babe, don't you think it's better to twerk instead?"

Nope, I ain't going to do that. There's no way I'm going to embarrass myself. I don't even know how to twerk.

"You're going to smell Taehyung's magical sock." Hoseok answered.

One word.


Taehyung grinned with his taunting eyes. Yen was sitting beside him and mouthed a silent good luck.

He removed his shoe, followed by his sock and handed it to me.

Well, here it goes.

I took it, holding the edge of the sock, and glared at Hoseok. "You better count fast."

He nodded while snickering. I was slowly leaning my nose towards Tae's sock. Fortunately, I haven't smelled any stink yet.

Before I knew it, Hoseok finished counting down from one to ten, and out of happiness, I threw it carelessly and landed on Miso's face.

That's what I would call a perfect landing.

I heard her gasp and quiver away, then tossed it back at Taehyung, hitting him in the face causing him to scowl at her.

Following that, we played a bunch of unusual and bizarre dares. Yen drank coke mixed with crushed peanuts, Jimin twerked thanks to Hobi, Taehyung sang Gangnam Style in an opera voice, and Jungkook got his ass smacked while the rest of the audience ogled at him.

Well, he does have a sexy ass if I do say so myself.

"Now that we are done with all that craziness, how about we change it up and make it," Miso halted, gazing at everyone and stopping in Jimin's direction while smirking, " I don't know, exciting?"

Hoseok raised his hand, "Agree!" he continued, "Whoever spins the bottle has to kiss the person it lands on. If that person doesn't want to do it, he or she will kiss Taehyung's sock instead."

"Why is it always my sock?" Taehyung whined.

"We'll go counterclockwise, and as your host, I'll restart the game." His complaints were ignored, and Hobi began to spin the bottle. It landed on a random girl, who eagerly accepted to kiss him. The game continued until Jungkook's turn came up.

If it lands on Jimin, my dream from that day will become a reality.

Do I want to see that?

I don't know.


Or maybe I want to be the one the bottle lands on.

And it was as if the cosmos had heard my thoughts and made the bottle come to a complete halt right in front of me.

Holy shit.

Clearing my throat, I slowly faced Jungkook's gaze. He was looking at me with his piercing eyes and inviting lips.

Is this really happening? Am I really going to kiss Jungkook in front of all these people?

"I wasn't expecting our first kiss to be prompted by a game," he said, biting his lower lip and looking at mine, "though I'm not complaining."

Neither am I.

"You ready?" He whispered with his voice like silk.

I nodded my head and we slowly leaned in, his eyes fixed on my lips.

He closed the gap between us and our lips finally collided.

His lips felt so soft against mine. His thumb slowly rubbed my cheeks, making me feel all tingly inside.

I softly pulled away when I heard the countdown had ended.

"Wow," he let out a breath and smiled with his bunny teeth showing, "It feels as though an angel named Skye has touched my lips."

A little corny there buddy, but I'll take it.

He was looking at me with those beautiful doe eyes filled with fondness. I noticed he was leaning in again, compelling me to lean in as well, until someone yanked me away.

"It says ten seconds, buddy," Jimin snarled. Jungkook glared at him and rolled his eyes, muttering whatever under his breath.

"What was that for?" I whisper yelled at Jimin, annoyed that he ruined our moment.

"You're drunk, I don't want him taking advantage of you, and besides," he glared behind me, "the dare said ten seconds."

Who says I'm drunk?

I'm not drunk.

Am I?

Hmmmm... normally, I wouldn't want to make out in public so maybe I am, a little bit.

"It's your turn Jiminie," Hoseok called out.

Miso perked up when she heard Jimin's name.

Oh hell no.

I will personally break this bottle if it lands on her. There is no way in hell that she's going to kiss my best friend.

He started to spin, and I prayed that it would land on anyone except her.

It was slowing down, and its end was pointing at Taehyung, then Yen, then at her.

A chorus of a choir singing hallelujah started playing in my mind when it slowly passed her, making her frown deeply.

Ha! Take that!

It looks like I'm not going to break you later, bottle.

I smiled at it and realized its end pointed at me.

Oh my god.


And this time with Jimin.

Holy shit.

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