Chapter 19

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Skye's POV

"All right, it all started when we were in middle school. Back then, when Taehyung wasn't a douchebag, we actually got along. He was so bubbly and weird, but in a good way. We sometimes act like a couple and go on mini dates, and when we entered high school, he started to change, though we were still 'together' in a way? I don't know," Yen shrugged and continued, "I guess it was only me who thought that we were actually in a relationship. I was so stupid back then." She scoffed.

"I'm so sorry, Yen." I hugged her, and she hugged back. "It's okay, the good thing that came out of it was that I became friends with you." She smiled.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. When Taehyung stopped hanging out with us during sophomore year, you and I became friends after that." I recalled.

"Yes, and I actually wanted to be friends with you guys back in freshman year, when Taehyung was hanging out with you during that time, but I held myself back because I didn't want him to think I was clinging to him and his friends too much." She said then rolled her eyes.

"Well that's just sad. We could've been friends earlier." I pouted.

She laughed, "It's okay, we're friends now aren't we?" 

I nodded and we hugged once again.

"And I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just wanted to forget about it and act like I didn't know him. It's easier that way." She sighed.

"It's okay, I'm just glad that you're okay now." I patted her back.

Someone suddenly knocked on my door then opened it slightly.

Jimin popped out his head then asked, "Hey, are you girls finished with your girl talk?"

I giggled. "I think so, you can come in now."

"Finally!" He came in and squished himself in between Yen and me.

"Sooo, what we talking about?" He asked excitedly, then began bouncing up and down, causing Yen and me to bounce as well.

"I'm pretty sure you know, though you wouldn't tell me about it." I said then rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"Remember when I asked you what you knew about Taehyung and Yen?" I asked.

"No, I don't recall." He answered trying to act innocent. 

"Okay, well you two talk it out, I'm going home. I'll see ya later, guys." Yen stood up and waved us goodbye.

When Yen left, Jimin suddenly hugged me which caught me off guard. "Uh... what are you doing?" I asked, awkwardly hugging him back. "What? I can't hug my bestfriend?" He replied hugging me even more.

"You can but, it was just a bit random." I shrugged and I felt him smelling my hair.

"Mmmhhh... your hair smells so good." He whispered.

Is he high or something?

He's being weird again.

When I felt his lips touching my ear, I pulled away from his hold and told him I needed to pee.

Thump. Thump. Thump. 

Why is my heart beating so fast?

I can feel my cheeks starting to heat up. I'm suddenly reminded of the last time Jimin and I stared at each other, and I felt exactly the same way. My cheeks were flushed, and my heart was racing.

Is this normal?

We're bestfriends, why am I reacting like this?

"Hey, I thought you just needed to pee? You've been in there for ten minutes!"  While I was still attempting to keep my heart rate regular, I heard Jimin knocking on my bathroom door.

"Just a second! I think I drank a whole gallon of water." I yelled.

"So you've been peeing nonstop for the past ten minutes?!" He yelled back, "That's not normal! What the hell?"

"Yeah. My bladder's going cray cray!" I replied even though I know it's nonsense. He doesn't need to know that he's causing my heart to race this fast.

"Are you okay? Do you feel any pain? Do you need help?" He asked nonstop while knocking.

"I'm okay Chim, just, give me a minute." I responded, finally feeling my heartbeat returning back to normal.

I splashed some water on my face to make sure it wasn't heated anymore, then patted it dry with a towel. After one last look in the mirror, I finally went out of my bathroom only to see Jimin's worried face.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, eyes filled with concern then softly holding both my cheeks.

Geez not again, please don't make me blush!

"Yeah. I'm fine." I answered timidly. I decided to hug him so I wouldn't have to look into his eyes since I knew my heart would start racing again.

Honestly, why do I get flustered whenever I look into his eyes?

I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm sure I wasn't like this before. Since we've been bestfriends for a long time, I felt all of Jimin's flirting was platonic. But now it's just weird. When I stare into his eyes, he makes my heart race and my cheeks flush. Maybe I'm just feeling this way because I haven't gone out with anyone for a while.

Yeah that's why, and besides, I've met Jungkook who makes me feel the same way.

That's it.

I felt him tightly hugging me back. "I'm glad you're okay. Next time don't drink too much. Eight glasses of water is enough, kitten." He scolded me which caused me to laugh. I gently pulled away from our hug then ruffled his hair.

"All right, mom got it." I replied with a smile while playfully rolling my eyes.

"Good. Wait, I think I heard your mom and dad downstairs earlier when you were in the bathroom. They were going to talk to you after their work right?" He asked while looking at the list of movies on my laptop.

"Oh yeah, I remember. Stay here and pick whatever movie you want." I opened my door then went out though I heard him say, "Finally! You were always picking the movies. Now it's my turn."

Jimin's POV

What movie should I pick? Horror, thriller, gore or comedy?

If I choose horror, Skye will definitely be scared, which will make her cling to me.

Hmmmm... horror it is!

I'm so evil.

I'm so evil

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While I was trying to cover my evil smile, I heard Skye's phone. I picked it up and saw a text message with the name 'Bunny' on the screen.


Who the hell is Bunny?

Should I open the text message? I know her passcode and I'm curious who this 'Bunny' person is, but if I open this I would be invading her privacy. 

I entered her passcode. I can't help it, my curiosity got the best of me.

The text message read, "Hey Skye! I got us tickets to go to Everland amusement park for our date. I'll call you later! ;)"

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