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Today was the day she dreaded.

Martel's welcome party.

She couldn't chicken out of this party. She promised her best friend. A promise is a promise.

But that doesn't mean she'll stay until it ended. Maybe she'll just stay at the party for a second, then she'll leave with her brother. Michael hated to be on an occasion that has Bernie's family in it. People said there will be an announcement at the party. Interesting.

Still, she was bored staying in the house for a whole day. She had done her chores, bathed Silvana, watered the flower -which hadn't bloom for a year, she couldn't understand why her mother kept it. Anne's store was closed today, Dave and Michael were hunting, lucky they, she wished she could join them, but to Amber's amusement, Anne held her.

"Uh, Michael is spoiling me." Amber said lazily, leaned against a sofa with a light kick at the leg of the table, Sam stifled a giggle, mocked, "What shall I serve you, Your Grace? Or shall I discard thy duty?"

"Sam, not you too." She groaned, as Sam snickered gleefully, recalled about Michael's action over his wife when Michael came to assist his wife for checkup routine. It gave Michael a miracle of patience.

"You are one lucky woman, Amber." Sam said with a hint of mock envy, she shrugged, teased "What about you? Whoever is your consort, I'll say, he is the king of the world."

Rolling her eyes, she muttered, "More like a king of doom." Any mention of the topic made her ended up thought of someone from a distance. Someone who never mind her quirks, defended her in a way she never expected, who will see her as his equal.

As if such a man in Sembon exists.

She shook her head, flushed. Blast, if she kept staring at the ceiling like that, she might end up thinking about nonsense. No. She groaned "I think I'm going mad."

"Why don't you go over Cass's?" Amber suggested. Her attention quirked up. Of course! She grinned, planted a small kiss on Amber's head before headed to the kitchen.

"Ma? May I go over to Cass's? I will be back before six."

As she was about to walk out, her mother replied blankly "No. You must be ready for the party."

"I'll be back. Besides, Cass will be with me. I will have a company." She counted numbers in her head. Two hours would be fine for her to get ready and go to Martel's manor with them.

Anne left her dishwashing, searched her face for a wee lie, proclaimed slowly "You need to bring an escort."

"Cass will be with me, mama."

"Five." She snapped her finger, still had that doubted frown on her face.

Her spirit soared in the thrill, Amber pouted in return, she was acting weird lately, must be hormone changes. She carried Meow, then placed it on Amber's lap "Here, hug the cat. It'll make you feel better."

With that, she walked out of the house, her mood fresh for the first time since yesterday.

If only it lasted long.

Turned out, Cass wouldn't be accompanied her. "I can't Sam, I need to look my best at the party." Asserted Cass when Sam came over to her place.

What was so good at the party? Sam shook her head "Cass, there are still four hours left till the party."

Cass put her hand on her hips "Exactly, I need to dip my hair in a normal color, then I got to blend my sash ...." Sam cut across her, drawled "Fine, fine. I may see you then."

Since Michael took Silvana for hunting, Sam walked down the roadside briskly, humming. She could hear horses nearby, must be carriages, she thought, enjoying the mountains from distance. It was calm and earthy, what could happen to her today when the weather was fine today? And here her family thought she will be in trouble.

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