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In front of the house stood a girl of the same age as Sam. The white-grey tendrils of her hair dangled down her sunken cheek. The girl jerked up her head towards them. Her pistachio eyes recognised them. Sam waved her hand and smiled. What happened to her hair? She thought to herself.

"Morning. Wow. You looked enchanting lassie. Fancy banging with me?" smirked Sam, whistling at her grey curly hair. Honestly, though, she looked hot. Her curly grey hair complimented her bronze skin.

Cass arched her eyebrow at her "I'll just bang your head instead."

Sam held her hands up "I might sit this one out. Seriously though, what happened to your hair? I didn't know you have a fondness for grey."

Cass gave her an annoyed glare and shrugged "I don't know, which is why I wanted to talk about this in person. It's been like this for days."

"Only you?"

Cass added sadly, "So does Mama."

Sam wasn't sure what to say about this, from the look of Cass, she felt upset by the sudden change. She gave her a comforting hug "Don't think too much about it. It'll be alright. There's got to be some way to solve this ...loss." Well, it certainly didn't look like a loss when she pulled it off nicely.

Cass shook her head "No, Sam. Speaking of loss, have you read the newspaper?" when she shook her head, Cass continued "They said the disease has gotten worse. Not only does it affect people, now the places too. My uncle's farm was wiped out. His cows, goats, chickens are dead when he saw them yesterday morning, all of them. So does Mrs. Rose's orchards, they did not bear fruits anymore."

A thought came over her. What if Helen's sick is because of the disease? Cass asked her father if she could go out with Sam, Mr. Mare agreed.

They talked a lot during the three of their rides on Silvana. Chelsea showed Cass and Sam her new bracelet. Cass looked impressed. Sam told Cass about her early encounter with Mrs. Girvan.

Cass's sympathetic smile was almost unbearable for her "She'll be fine, Sam. Let's hope it's just normal fever." With that, her best friend glanced at Chelsea, who was playing with Meow.

She didn't reply. Cass must have noticed her silence, wanting to change the subject. She suddenly asked with an enthusiastic twinkle in her eyes "Which reminds me... How's your date with Bale Dove?"

Sam told her everything, including the salty tea part and Fiona. When she finished, there were tears in her eyes, she laughed, wiping them off "I wager you are disappointed he didn't have a taste of your tea."

"All of my hard work...Gone." She shook her head. Cass added with a whisper, not wanting Chelsea to hear the last part "Washed on his manhood and his ma's bosom. Girl, I didn't know you are that twisted."

They snickered, then Cass asked, again with that same excitement she had previously "Did you heard about it?"

"On what exactly?" She looked at Cass in amusement.

"Martel's welcome party!!" She squealed, which startled Silvana. A neigh was awarded.

"You mean Richard Martel? One of the Elite?" Each state of Sembon was protected by an Elite, Lord Richard Martel was one of them. He ruled the northwest area, which was where they lived. He had the hand of the prettiest lady in Sembon and fathered four children who were younger or older than herself. Some people exaggerated that The Martels were as charming as the Royal family, flawless, until his late wife's death that loses their charms. Eventually, Lord Martel and the rest of his family had shut themselves away from the people. If it wasn't for his attendance on the garland ball every year that held in the castle, she wouldn't know if he existed.

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