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"Luciana?!" Jane's voice echoed the west wing corridor. Luciana wanted very much to shout back, tell her sister that she was alive, she was fine. Luciana wished she could tell Jane not to come search for herself, it was a trap to lure her to the lion's den, and satisfy the ravenous lion.

Someone had muffled her scream. Someone had grabbed her before the ground shook. Someone had her helpless when she tried to defend herself.

"Come, my dear. Don't you want your sister to find you?" Peter rasped by her earlobe maliciously, his repellent breath curdled her pancreas. His hand was on her messy hair, the other tilted the dagger to her throat. He opened the door lightly, peeked at her without releasing Luciana. A grisly sneer spread across his scratchy face.

"Luciana?" Jane's voice was as clear as crystal. Her sister must be near, Luciana's stomach flipped in dread.

No, don't come here, Jane. Please.

"You are mean, Luciana. She is anxious about your presence. Let's give her a warm welcome." His brown eyes glinted in lust. Noticing her silence, he darkened "Now stop being a stubborn princess like your sister, we don't have much time."

No, she was not going to tell Jane that she was here. No, she rather dies.

"Never." She concluded. She was going to pay for that.

Peter sighed impatiently "As you wish, my lady." Roughly, he dragged her to the back of the door, where a closet stood behind. Slowly, Peter glided his dagger to her torn skirt, then paused at her leg. Fresh blood oozed out as the sharp tip sank in her delicate flesh. The empty room vibrated Luciana's uncontrollable shriek. The sear pain seemed perpetual; the manor could have been collided by her scream. Peter didn't stop.

It hurts like hell.

"Luciana!!" the sound of Jane's sob was approaching doom. Luciana sobbed too, in the guilt of betrayal. She had played a role of death allurement to Jane. Finally, Peter stopped her torture. He covered her mouth with his, it made her nausea rose again "Good girl."

"Luciana?" she grilled shakily. Oh no. She's here. Luciana struggling against his binding hand. Luciana lifted her eyes open, a shadowy figure of Jane walked in. Peter followed behind with her almost lifeless body. He slammed the door closed. Jane spun around, her blue eyes traveled down Luciana, then to Peter. Terror flashed across her mesmeric face.

"Peter." She choked a whisper "What have you done to her?"

"The same way you had done to me, princess. Slow torture. Do you like it?"

"What can you mean, Peter?" Jane was confused. Her hair was on loose, that's not a good sign. Not when he licked his lip.

"How about why you didn't wait for me?"

What the bloody hell Peter was talking about? Jane must have known because there's a flash of recognition in her eyes. If Jane was scared just now, then she looked terrified now, her voice was shaking "I...I didn't mean to hurt you. Please..." Jane was crying, "I was too young that time to know. We were friends. Don't hurt my sister." Luciana squeezed her eyes shut when her sister said this, Peter's grip on her was too firm. Luciana gasped in spasm.

He spat "Foolish fancy, huh? Was those foolish fancy when we snuck out every night to the garden?! Was that foolish fancy when you confessed your love? Was those foolish fancy when you buried in my arms and cried for your mother every day since she died? You only need me to be a puppet to cry on, aye? What about what I want then?"

They were lovers before this? Luciana felt a pang of dejection her sister didn't confide this piece of vital information to her. Tears rained down Jane's cheek, she stuttered quietly "I didn't ask for this, Peter. I am so sorry if my marriage breaks you."

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