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"You are telling me that you haven't opened your selection yet?" blurted Cass in a disbelieving gape surfaced on her face. They were on their way home now, Cass's mother, Anna, Amber, and Anne were on Silvana behind them, due to Amber's pregnancy. Cass and Sam walked ahead of them, chatting animatedly about Jane's bachelorette party, or rather, Sam pretended to look excited about it. Turned out, Jane and Luciana had called a matchmaker for tonight's entertainment. Cass and the girls back in Martel's manor - must be Jane and Lucy's friend, were excited about it.

As usual, Sam was the exception of the girl's fun. Just this matchmaking, other than that, she'll consider them.

Just as she expected, Cass persuaded her to join the matchmaking.

Even Amber and Anne were looking forward to it, she had an idea that they poked Cass to do the persuasion on purpose since she only listened to her. She would rather face another group of thieves than picking out her so-called soul mate. Blah! Is that what they called?

What was the use of this when a person was an outcast and veiled from others? She stated to Cass repeatedly, it was completely a futile attempt. More, Cass had Luciana on her side to convince her.

This was so unfair.

In the end, she gave in, on a condition. She was not going to show them whom she picked. Sam shook her head when she told her she has not opened her slip yet. Opening that thing wasn't a part of the deal. Somehow, it was better not to tell her that she tricked her promise, it only infuriated Cass more. Cass scolded, "What is the use of selecting your man if you don't want to know who it is?"

"I did not say that I don't want to know, I was thinking of a good time to open it." She twisted her lie. Cass wouldn't get past that. She rose an eyebrow, puckered her mouth in a sphere of an understatement. "You are afraid, aren't you?"

"No." Why does her best friend have to be that observant? She willed herself to think of something else that was irrelevant. Like their surrounding was rather...misty. Blast, it was useless.

"Meow." Her partner-in-crime leaped to Sam's arm, snuggled comfortably. Pointing at Meow, Cass exclaimed "Aha! See? Even Meow knew you are afraid!"

"Meow, I thought you are supposed to keep my secret?" Sam whispered to Meow while stroking its fur. The cat's whiskers twitched, ignoring these two crazy girls who were chuckling at each other.

"I'm curious though, why did you choose indigo paper? I thought you like white," asked Cass.

She turned away, the chagrin of her question. Of course, she wouldn't know. Sam had never told her what happened before the welcome party. "It looked nice."

"Nice? Wait, Sam Evan, who just complained how stupid matchmaking is and making excuses about how hideous those slips are just to escape the matchmaking process, had just said the slip looked nice?"

Blast. She was caught. Sam rolled her eyes when Cass wrapped an arm around her, smiling provocatively "Sam Evan, my love. You are cheating on me with another beau, aren't you?"

"Cassandra dear, I am loyal to you and you only," Sam said in a dead tone. Still... she asked "What about you? Who did you get?"

Now, Cass's arm slipped away, her smile faltered a little "About that..."

"So, you can hide from me but I cannot hide from you." She said.

"No...it's just... And I want to make it happen. I want to show you instead of telling you." Cass bit her lips, Sam noticed for the first time there's a radiant glow of happiness on her face. Whoa, she must be wanting to be together with him. She'll respect Cass's choice.

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