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Chapter 18


The first time Cass saw Sam Evan lose her temper, was the time when Sam and her brother were in a fight when Sam was thirteen. That was three years ago when Cass was invited to Michael's birthday dinner. It was a small dinner, the Evans, Cass, and two of Michael's friends. At that time Amber wasn't introduced to the family yet. One of Michael's friends was a rude boy, and he was curious about what was underneath Sam's face. That boy did everything he could to take off Sam's scarf.

Cass had never seen Sam without her scarf before, and aye, she never knows what her best friend truly looks like. But she respected Sam's decision of not revealing herself to anybody as Anne forbid her. So, Cass never once asked her about that except for the first time. She wagered Anne refused to let Sam walk around bare-faced because Sam's beauty would bring everyone down on their knees. Either way, she loved her as a sister.

That boy didn't share the same respect as Cass though. He cornered Sam by her room when no one else was looking, then he reached for her scarf. But the result only ended up him limping to his home with a crooked face and bloody nose. This angered Michael as Sam didn't tell her brother the truth that time as she did with Cass. Both of the siblings had a great row. She hadn't imagined those two literally arguing with punches until Dave stopped the pair and locked the siblings in their respective rooms for a whole day. Although Sam eventually gave in and told him the truth. Michael stopped talking to his friends after that.

Cass almost saw the same temper restraining in her the day they went to the Martel's manor and recorded measurements for the girls' dresses. When Chelsea tripped, the creak on Sam's basket was shown how much Sam was holding in. Cass used to wonder when her best friend was going to lash out from all those accusations and hardships that were thrown at her constantly. Guess she got her answer today.

Today, Sam Evan's fury was burning on the force, silencing the hall in boiling anxiety. All heads were in her direction as if waiting for Sam's next move. Since Sam's back was facing her at the front of the High Table, she scanned through the situation. Starting from the Evans.

Dave and Anne were stunned to see their daughter's sudden outburst. Dave placed his hand on his wife's shoulder to prevent her from walking up to Sam and probably gives a good slap herself. Michael, with tears in his eyes, surprisingly sit back, his fists clenched and unclenched. Why was he crying?

"The courage the Evan girl has, to act foolish on the sheriff's daughter. She's bound to serve another lifetime in prison for sure." That's what the crowds on left whispered, while the right was like "About time someone shows her what Bernie truly is." And then there's another type of civilian with insults like "Witch." Or "Disgrace of family."

If only Cass had Sam's strength, she wanted to use that strength to beat up that whole crowd of naysayers. Meanwhile, the others merely watched the scene unfold, since at the end that was what Sembonians craved- a good old gossip to spread around.

At last, her scrutiny settled on the High Table, first on Lord Richard and the Martels siblings' grandmother. Was it her imagination or did Lord Richard gulp? Their grandmother barely lifted her head, continuing with her scones as if her granddaughter haven't gotten a slap. Yet Cass could detect the frown on that old woman's face. She couldn't blame her, as Eva was one of her grandchildren too. Jane was nowhere to be seen, as she went with her husband to the castle. Luciana, however, looked bewildered, pausing over her soup.

The feeling was mutual, Luciana. More than anything, Cass wanted to know what was inside Sam's gift box that enraged her to slap Eva.

It was bad to think of this, yet she couldn't help but feel that Luciana was being friendly to Cass and Sam because she was curious about commoners instead of interested in them as individuals. Perhaps lack of friends below her caste spark her curiosity more...or even the reputation of the famous Misfit Evan in Sembon indulged her fancy.

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