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(Matt )

The second time I stumbled down to the floor was when I entered my room, two different shades of blond tresses obscured my vision.


Hold the horse.

Those sweet voices were familiar.


Now I knew. What kind of brother am I? If I couldn't recognize their voices?

"Girls!" I gasped for air when they squeezed me like a sponge. Matthias would have hugged his sisters back the similar way they did. "I can't breathe." I shoved them away with a pat on their heads. "If father saw this, he surely chased your poor manner tutor." I simpered, disposing of my previous mourn.

They laughed harmoniously. How I missed them.

I had to admit, Jane and Luciana grown more glamorous by years. Jane, my John's twin was almost as tall as I was. Luciana, youngest of all. Although she was three years younger than me, she acted more mature than I. Back then, people will get confused at both of our ages, she acted like an older sister rather than me playing my role as her older brother.

"Welcome home, brother." Luciana greeted sweetly. She hugged me again. I didn't flinch.

Jane, however, took an intuition stare at me with an eyebrow raised, complained "Gracious! Dear brother, those people in Catsimite don't feed you enough. Look at you!" Her forehead creased, continued "Have you ever eaten? Or walk under the sun? People might take you as a vampire or ghost" I rolled my eyes. Here it goes again. It was a long time I had not heard her nagging; which makes it even unhealthier when I missed her nag. She didn't stop there "You need a haircut." Jane noted on my wild hair.

I shove some away from my eyebrows hastily, shrugged "Much gratitude for your compliments, but no, I like it this way."

Luciana chided "Oh, don't be such a nagger, Jane! You ought to see John first, he had to tie a ponytail now, Matt is much better." Luciana's eyes gleamed in fun, jived "Any juicy gossip to share? Special someone, you are pinning on?"

I gave them a mirthless scoff "More like blinding my eyes." Which reminded me to charge John later, who uttered nonsense to my little sister. None of that bothered me the moment I truly observed my bedroom.

Am I in the right room? Jane and Lucy noticed my shocked gape, Jane nudged my arm eagerly "Do you like it?"

Did they just renovate my space? I couldn't tell which annoyed me the most. Orange curtains? Maroon linen? Arrangement of the drawer? I'll deal with them later, it was a small matter. After all, they didn't do it on purpose.

Why would they choose orange? And maroon?

"Thank you. It's very nice of you to consider this...renovation." I said difficultly. I hate hot colors.

Jane smiled with a kiss on my forehead "I know it. And Luciana swore you will go nut."

Of course, she did.

Luciana was the only person who saw through my mask of pretense; she took my habitual observance as an advantage.

Without looking at my youngest sister, I presented Jane a sealed box "Wedding gift for the soon-to-be princess bride, sister... I wasn't sure if it matches your taste, just made a random guess on it."

Jane examined it in curiosity, squealed happily "Thanks, Matt. That is very thoughtful of you." She dashed out, probably wanted to open it.

I watched Luciana warily, she shook her head, said: "You heard her; the maroon had nothing to do with me, nor did anything here."

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