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It was night when I reached the beach. It looked bygone, the birds were singing on a dead tree as if they were attempting to cure this tree. The stars dangled like a diamond displayed in the jewelry shop. I leaned against the coconut tree, staring ahead on this smooth frozen beach. Stargazing was the only thing I could conduct for now. This beach had long been forgotten by humans, it was never a habitat for animals either. However, this used to be the place we will go to every year on the same day. The day where I could be myself without having the burden of aristocracy on my shoulder.

My eyelids folded close, detecting the sound I had been yearning for almost forever; the one I had been listening to each time I faced a sea of mystery. It might still be now, but it was there. I felt it in my bones. A high note of oceanic lullaby hummed out there. It was more than a voice. It was an accordant reverberation, second to a tranquil bliss. That ocean cry tinkled from the tip of my bare feet to the center of my head. It was a woman's lullaby.

A lullaby that was far from the present and future.

Is it true, mother?

Now, I am here because I finally know who I am. This world is full of damnation; my world is full of damnation. I half wished I could just renounce everything I had and just live a normal life as a peasant. Hell, I did consider going to prison now that the truth was mocking my sanity.

On top of that, I was still baffled about my relationship affair now. What are Eva and I? Couples or bad blood? I assumed it was some of them both. I don't see my father canceling the engagement; I am still going to join in matrimony with her -even if my heart says another. I closed my eyes, mulling in my thoughts.

What are we? Sam and I? Enemies? Not really, although Morguna was determined to maintain this status for us. Friends? As if, she would think of me as one. I did not remember I thought of her as a friend either, I mean, what kind of people would be desirous of his friend? Do I love her then?

Love will be your enemy.

I assumed you know that I care not about myself anymore? My voice reflected in my recalling. I didn't care for myself anymore.

I felt something fluttered inside me, it was warm and alive -something I had not experienced before. There was a dull ache beneath it -a yearning to see her over and over again. A longing to cherish her in her happy and sad days. An urge to protect her from a world that is against her. A crave to hold her in my arms. A lust to please her with my unspoken affection. A possessiveness to claim her... mine. These feelings I had was scaring me more than I accepted.

You made a big mistake. Morguna was right. I made a mistake. I had known it would bring me trouble. It may cost me everything. It will risk my life. Am I ...infatuated?

In my mind, I saw Sam's eyes staring down at my tentative ones as if she would like to know my answer too. Are you?

I heard a faint horseshoe hushed approximately three miles away. There were faint voices that broke through this breathless night, audible, yet hard enough to bring me back from reality. I was on my feet; my left hand went for my blade under the breeches swiftly, contemplated twelve ways to hammer down any suspicious stranger that came across this forsaken place. Might as well be prepared for an unexpected attack.

The clip-clop of the horse halted, voices were clearer now, oddly warm and familiar. I stepped forward only for a few steps before six figures appeared out of the misty view. Two of the figures were horses. Shock came initially first as my gaze swept past my father and brother's burly outline and my sisters' figures. Were they looking for me? Guilt came at second when I put back my weapon. They spotted me, their footsteps paused, and their expressions were all shades of worries and remorse.

Maskli (Legacy Of Bluebloods 1#)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz