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Jarvis hadn't spoken a word since the interrogation between him and Henry. He was in a dilemma. What would his leader of Lurid Bandit think? They were well-known for their sly moves to attempt very crimes, every kingdom - except one, are fear of them. It had been like this for decades. Now, one night had changed all. People believed that it was possible to catch them. Of course, they believed - some of them know that Lurid Bandit had been thwarted before sixteen years ago, and rise again fifteen years ere. Now, news surely spread throughout every kingdom.

The girl was the problem. Who would have thought the impossible became possible? After all this time, Sieyen had that child kept away. Dave and Anne Evan were smart, he was completely fooled by them. Did they really think it would keep Sam Evan away from Samara Macrantha's curse?

The answer is yes. It had kept her hidden for sixteen years, it can be more if it wasn't for him. If he told somebody. Dave wasn't a nobody either, he was also famous -in Bellagria.

Jarvis stared at the white light shot through a small quadrilateral window in his cells, he couldn't sleep well in the same room he had excretion and defecation, it was gross. He must get used to it. He will be spending his lifetime in here.

"There is a matter of urgency I need to inquire on him." A cold male voice commanded. Jarvis drew his eyebrows in confusion. The voice was familiar, he did not remember who did it belong to.

Who on earth will be seeing prisoners now? Who will it be?

"Fetch Jarvis to the conference room. I will be there." What? The voice was clearer now, he felt like a lump of dead meat, ready to be eaten. When did he become such a coward? He is a Lurid Bandit, he will never be a coward. What did Henry want him for? Doesn't he get what he wanted?

"If you insist, sir."

The metal door cringed by the time he shot on his decayed wooden single bed, pretended to listen. One of the guards poked him awake, Jarvis pretended to be annoyed of them ruining their sleep, he shot them a murderous glance, there were three guards, the one that poked him placed his both hands back. Another metal handcuff click sound was heard, he groaned in disgruntlement. These handcuffs stopped him from his scheme to escape. The guards led him to another door, one of them pushed him in with force, Jarvis was almost caught off balance.

"Jarvis, welcome back." The same vile voice spoke in this dark conference room. Jarvis narrowed his eyes, Henry surfaced out of the darkness. Jarvis ignored him, hoping that he will stay away from him.

"Why am I here?" Maybe if he takes the gun and strangles his neck will be a good idea. No, that won't do. He was tied. Besides, Henry was no different than Jarvis, except he got to do the torturing legally.

Henry's red eyes gleamed like a ruby in excitement after a long deep-buried down on earth. He scratched his beard, replied purposely "I'm afraid I have to ask a few questions. With your honest answer, you will be rewarded fairly."

Jarvis gave him a mirthless laugh "I thought we are over by the interrogation fortnight ago. By the way, money won't work for me. I am loaded, thank you."

"What's the use of it when you don't have freedom?" Henry's mouth curved to a menacing smile, more like a provocative sneer to him. He wanted much to kill him and get on with his escaping notion, yet he placed his precious life on his crown first. More importantly, Henry had nailed his attention. Jarvis widened his eyes, followed by a doubtful laugh "You are kidding! You want to help me escape?" He examined his face for a punch line, but Henry's humorless expression silenced him. His body sizzled.


Henry briefed ruthlessly "I will question you regarding the attacks you and your sly friends on that day. In return, I will let you go once you promised not to step foot in Sembon anymore. Deal?"

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