chapter 18- strawberries or kisses?

Start from the beginning

He decided this must have been too sudden. He would wait till she would speak again. Before walking outside, he grabbed the blanket from his bed.

Even though his house was small, it had a garden. It wasn't large, but it gave him a quiet place, which he liked from time to time.

He sat down on the bench and waited for Juvia to sit next to him. She didn't till he patted the place next to him.

It was a little chilly outside, so Gray wrapped Juvia in the blanket.

He placed the platter with the chocolate treat on his lap. He grabbed the first one a little hesitantly. It didn't look bad or poisoned so he took a bite.

'Wow, these taste good Juvia', he licked his fingers.

'Thank you, Gray-sama', Juvia sounded distant.

'Something wrong?' Gray asked with worry.

Juvia shifted from one leg to the other.

'You can ask me', Gray nudged her which made her look up and look him into the eyes. She opened her mouth to speak when a cloud escaped her lips. It must have been colder than Gray thought. He wrapped her in her blanket even more.

Juvia blushed when Gray bended forward a little while wrapping her in the blanket. 'Di... Did G', Juvia took a deep breath. 'Did Gray-sama really kiss Juvia?'

Gray raised an eyebrow, allowing another blush to color his cheeks. 'Why are you asking?'

'Juvia just wants to be sure', she mumbled.

Gray rested on his left hand while closing the wide gab between them. He closed his eyes just before he got another taste of her lips. This was only the third time he kissed her, but they seemed to get sweeter every time. 'Was it something like this?' he chuckled.

Juvia smiled and unwrapped one part of the blanket. She throw half of the blanket over Gray's shoulders and snuggled closer. 'Yes', she said still smiling.

The ravenhaired boy scooted over so he just sat by Juvia and wrapped them both in the blanket. Juvia rested her head on his shoulder.

Gray presented on of the strawberries. Juvia took a bit, letting Gray feed her. 'Hmm, they do taste good'.

'You didn't take one before?' Gray asked while eating one himself.

'Juvia tried the chocolate, but not with the strawberry'.

A pleasant silence filled the air for a while. Juvia snuggled even closer, finding the crook in Gray's neck. She tried to enjoy the nightview, but Gray was disrupting her thoughts.

Gray was still looking up at the sky when he couldn't help to ask: 'Why did you ask just yet... if we kissed or not I mean'.

'...It happened so fast. Juvia didn't know if it happened for real or not'.

'Or not?' Gray could swear he felt the warmth of her burning cheeks radiating on him.

A low mumble was all he could hear. 'What?' Gray had to ask.

It stayed silent for a while before the low mumbled could be heard again.

'I'm not going to understand you like this', Gray tried to look at her, but Juvia was hiding her face. He didn't even see her puff her cheeks in frustration.

She moved a little from the right to the left in frustration till she swiftly grabbed the blanket and threw them over their heads. They were now separated from the rest of the world. Their lips just inches apart. 'Juvia will tell if she gets another kiss from Gray-sama!' she squeeked in happiness.

Gruvia: Grays curse + Gajevy: protecting mine     FT fanficWhere stories live. Discover now