The Truth Won't Always Set You Free

Start from the beginning

At the mention of Hikari, Hawks couldn't help but visibly flinch, picturing her currently being tortured and interigated in an empty room all by himself. Just the thought of her hurt so much that he couldn't breathe.

Feeling his voice crack on the words, the bird replied. "Y-You know Hikari?"

Natsuo nodded in response before turning strangely silent as his eyes seemed to grow far more troubled with memories that the bird couldn't understand. Was it really true? Did Hikari know these kids?

Fuyumi seemed to sense his unease as well, choosing to answer for him with a heavy weighted sigh of shame. "Sort of. We used to play together with Touya when we were kids. She never told us her name but after looking at that broadcast, it seemed everything fell into place for us."

The information was certainly surprising to Hawks, not having heard anything like that until now. Hikari was around the Todoroki's when she was younger? Well, he supposed that made sense considering her close relationship with Touya/Dabi. The way they acted, the way they looked at each other, that could have only been established through years of proximity.

But even so, the bird couldn't help but feel his eyes dip downward at that. Hikari was so close to him this entire time, running in similar circles and not once had he run into her. The irony.

Feeling his own words run dry, Hawks whispered back brokenly. "Oh..I never knew that.."

Just then, his thoughts began to overrun with unpleasant insults and memories as his own iris's grew dull and lifeless. There was that silence again, torturing him with every waking moment. Why couldn't it just leave him alone?!

Although that's when Shoto's monotone voice seemed to ring through the space, pausing his breakdown as he gestured to the room around him. "I told Hawks he could stay here."

Blinking in surprise, the bird turned his head towards the boy only to find him staring at the hero in some sort of specific manner, almost like he knew the dark thoughts that threatened to surface in Hawks' mind.

Was that why he had changed the subject away from his sister so abruptly?

Fuyumi didn't seem to have a problem with that though, her face lighting up with both surprise and excitement for the new house guest. "O-Oh yes, of course he can! Since Dad is still in the hospital I'm sure we won't mind. I'll even make you some dinner if you haven't had any."

Ignoring the low rumble in his stomach, Hawks shook his head in reply. He didn't think he could stomach anything right now. "Ah, that's okay I'm not really.."

Fuyumi only waved him away though, not taking any of his words to heart as she gushed back. "Nonsense! I'm sure the hospital food wasn't the best. Allow me to cook you a real meal for a change. Besides, you're beginning to look like skin and bones. We need to fix that!"

Then before he could protest, Fuyumi had already disappeared from the conversation all together, the action causing Natsu to chuckle under his breath in order to elbow the bird. "Andddd she's gone. Sorry, we don't get a lot of guests so she gets easily excited. Here, I'll show you to the guest bedroom."

Making his way down the hallways, Hawks was forced to follow as the hero recalled the light atmosphere he had just bared witness to. Natsuo and Fuyumi, both of them seemed at ease with each other, so much so that it confused the man. Hikari and him weren't like that in the slightest. Was that how most sibling relationships were supposed to be?

So much so that Hawks asked his next question without realizing it. "You two seem close."

Humming in reply, Natsu shrugged behind him. "Yeah well, when you're separated from your other siblings you get close to the ones you do get to see. It's not the same with Shoto, I hardly know anything about him.."

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