Chapter 26

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Three months later and the optimistic voice in my head that suggested it could go well got its confirmation. Everything is absolutely perfect. I can't spot a single thing that I've not liked wholeheartedly. The smell and view of the ocean beneath the outdoor ocean-view restaurant that rested on a high cliff. The aisle made out of a two-meter-long white carpet with white Lotus flower cylinders on the sides. And the high golden metal arch that's placed on a stand after the white stairs that begin where the aisle ends. Taking a closer look at the arch I notice that the flowers that decorate it is the same Lotus flowers but in both white and pink shades of it.

Looking at the many round tables now, with six chairs each I realize that the guest list may have been longer than I thought. The only people I invited is my parents. Then I gave the freedom to both Miles and Alexis to invite whomever they wanted to, Miles because his the groom and Alexis because he had been a big part in this whole wedding planning so I figured the least I could do for him is let him show his skills of, that's what he enjoys the most anyways.

Now, finally that I've inspected the whole place where I'm gonna vow to spend the rest of my life with the man I love the most in this world I feel more than thankful for Alexis and the fact that I had given him the job to do all of this. I couldn't have done half of this in such a short time. Everything went by so fast, my getting married wasn't something I was expecting any time soon so the thoughts about how I would like my wedding to look like haven't even crossed my mind and that wouldn't have helpt me either in the wedding planning.

"I think your fixup team is waiting for you inside," my mother's voice woke me from my silent admiring moments. "Mother?" what is she even going here this early? It's still two hours and a half till the wedding. "What? Isn't it normal for the bride to have her mother by her side during the preparations?" she asked. And to answer her question, yes it is very normal but that wasn't something I had expected my mother to do. I had lost that hope the same day I had to look into my mother's scolding eyes after losing Sirius. I had wished for her to join me when I was trying out wedding dresses, but she never showed up.

Asking her to come along was a possibility, but one I had chosen not to take because she knew I was getting married. The invitations were sent as soon as the date was set, two and a half months ago, and if she really wanted to she would have called me and joined me voluntarily. It really made me upset, the idea of me going and picking my dress by myself. A part of me considered taking Miles with me because he is the person that has been by my side through everything but it was considered bad luck for the groom to see the dress in advance. That left me with one person, the person who was a great help in this matter as well, Alexis. I had ended up asking him to come with me and he really didn't mind, contrariwise we had so much fun while choosing dresses, including much laughter too during the process. We had grown very close these last months

"It's okay I'll head back home if you don't want me here," she had read my long silence as a rejection. "No!" I took a step closer to her with one arm reaching out to her in an attempt to stop her. "Please stay, I... I want you here," I assure her as I take several steps towards her until I've closed the distance between us and taken her into an unsure hug because it truly made me happy that she came. She hesitates for a while but she does return the hug at last and holds it for just a few seconds before she breaks it and says "well, you don't want to be late so we should go in and get you dressed."

Two hours and twenty minutes go by with two really sweet women all preoccupied with putting makeup on my face, fixing my hair, painting my nails, and getting me into my dress as my mother sat silently on a chair a bit behind me. She looked a bit uncomfortable and she just answered with a few words when I asked her what she thought about my makeup or what she thinks I should do with my hair. But that doesn't upset me, I'm just really satisfied with her presence here and I guess she didn't expect this any more than I did so it could explain her being this awkward. "You're all done," Anne, one of the two women tells me as she finishes zipping the back of my dress.

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